| NCC Commends US Trade Negotiators on WTO Outcome 12/22/2015 NCC Chairman Sledge Taylor, a Mississippi producer and ginner, expressed appreciation for US trade negotiators’ diligent efforts in resisting pressure for further concessions on cotton during the 10th World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, last week. |  | NCC Thanks Lawmakers for Cottonseed Designation Push 12/15/2015 The NCC greatly appreciates House Agriculture Committee Chairman Conaway (R-TX) and Ranking Member Peterson (D-MN) for their leadership in getting 100 House Members signed onto a letter urging Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to use the authority granted in the '14 farm law to designate cottonseed as an ‘other oilseed.’ |  | U.S. Cotton Sector Facing Difficult Economic Conditions 12/09/2015 Cotton industry leaders, testifying before a House Agriculture Committee subcommittee on Dec. 9 stated that Congress’ and the Administration’s assistance are crucial for U.S. cotton to weather the current economic and regulatory climate. |
 | Midwest, Western Farmers to See High Plains Cotton Operations 10/28/2015 Midwestern and Western farmers will observe cotton and other agricultural operations in the Lubbock area on Nov. 1-4, as part of the NCC's Multi-Commodity Education Program. |  | NCC: No More Constraints on US Cotton Policy 10/22/2015 The NCC opposes any efforts to further limit US cotton policy in the World Trade Organization’s December Ministerial in Nairobi, Kenya. That was one of the key messages NCC President/CEO Gary Adams delivered at an Oct. 21 House Agriculture Committee hearing. |
 | Cotton LEADS™ Program Hosts Event For US Partners 05/15/2015 Since its establishment in '13, the Cotton LEADS™ program has attracted more than 300 partners from across the global supply chain.
A recent luncheon in Gastonia, NC, was held to update the US-based partners on program activities and to announce the latest additions to the Cotton LEADS™ partner list: HanesBrands; Jo-Ann Fabrics; Kohl’s®; and Life Is Good®. |
 | NCC: “Waters of the U.S.” Proposed Rule Overly Burdensome 03/17/2015 NCC Chairman Sledge Taylor, in March 17 testimony before a House panel, said that a rule proposed by the EPA and Corps of Engineers to define “waters of the United States” under the Clean Water Act would require costly federal permits for many commonplace and essential farming practices. |
 | NCC: No Adverse Farm Law Changes or Budget Reductions 02/24/2015 NCC Director Ronnie Lee testified at a Senate agriculture committee hearing that with producers now making critical decisions on the new farm law’s various program options and with program election and sign-up deadlines still ahead, it would be highly disruptive and punitive to make adverse policy changes or budget reductions while the new farm law is being implemented. |  | Richard Kelley Recipient of National Ginner Award 02/12/2015 Richard Kelley, a Burlison, Tenn., ginner who served as the National Cotton Ginners Association’s (NCGA) chairman in 2014, was named the 2014 Horace Hayden National Cotton Ginner of the Year. He was recognized on February 6 during the NCGA’s 2015 annual meeting in Memphis. |  | Bowen Flowers Re-elected American Cotton Producers Chair 02/10/2015 Bowen Flowers, a Clarksdale, Miss., cotton producer, was re-elected as chairman of the NCC's American Cotton Producers for '15, during the NCC’s annual meeting held here on February 6-8. |  | NCC Names '15 Directors 02/10/2015 The National Cotton Council directors for 2015 were announced at the NCC’s annual meeting held in Memphis on February 6-8. |  | NCC '15 State Unit Officers Named 02/10/2015 NCC state unit officers for 2015 were elected at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting held here on February 6-8. |  | Gary Adams Elected NCC President/CEO 02/09/2015 Dr. Gary Adams, who has served as the NCC's vice president of Economics and Policy Analysis since '02, was elected by the NCC’s board of directors to be the organization’s president and chief executive officer. |  | Sledge Taylor to Lead the National Cotton Council in '15 02/09/2015 Sledge Taylor, a Como, MS, ginner, was elected NCC chairman for '15. Named during the NCC’s annual meeting held here on Feb. 6-8, he succeeds Wallace L. Darneille, a Lubbock, TX, cooperative marketer. |  | Cotton Achievement Award Honors Duke Kimbrell 02/09/2015 The late Duke Kimbrell, a nationally recognized North Carolina textile manufacturer and cotton industry leader, is the recipient of the '14 Oscar Johnston Lifetime Achievement Award. |  | Cotton Service Award Honors Woody Anderson 02/09/2015 Woody Anderson, a Colorado City, TX, cotton producer, is the recipient of the '15 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award. He was honored during the NCC's '15 annual meeting held here on Feb. 6-8. |  | Global Stocks Making For Challenging Year 02/07/2015 NCC economists say '15 will be another challenging year for the US cotton industry – as global cotton stocks remain at very high levels and uncertainties remain regarding global mill cotton use. |  | NCC Survey Suggests US Producers to Plant 9.4 Million Acres of Upland/ELS Cotton in '15 02/07/2015 U.S. cotton producers intend to plant 9.4 million acres of cotton this spring, down 14.6% from '14, according to the NCC’s 32nd Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey. |  | Cotton Council International Elects '15 Officers 02/06/2015 Dahlen K. Hancock, a Ropesville, Texas, producer, will serve as president of Cotton Council International for '15. |  | PEP Bolstering US Cotton’s Advocacy 02/06/2015 Thirteen US cotton producers have been selected to participate in the '15 NCC Policy Education Program (PEP). |
 | 2015 High Cotton Winners Honored 01/06/2015 SAN ANTONIO – The 2015 Farm Press-Cotton Foundation High Cotton Awards recipients are: Southeast – Rick Morgan, Corapeake, N.C.; Mid-South – George LaCour, Morganza, La.; Southwest –Ronnie Hopper and his son, R. N. Hopper, Petersburg, Texas; and Far West – Mark Watte, Tulare, California. They and their families were honored here today during a breakfast at the National Cotton Council (NCC)-coordinated Beltwide Cotton Conferences. |  | Scheffler Receives 2014 Cotton Genetics Research Award 01/06/2015 Dr. Jodi Scheffler, a geneticist with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service who has compiled an impressive record of outstanding service in basic genetic research, is the recipient of the 2014 Cotton Genetics Research Award. |