| NCC Conducting STAX/Farm Bill Webinars 12/12/2014 As a follow-up to its STAX/Farm Bill workshops, the NCC is hosting four regional information webinars. Each session will include regional examples of insurance rates, county yields and information regarding farm programs. |  | Cotton LEADS™ Fiber Deemed 100% Certified Bio-based 12/04/2014 Cotton fiber represented by the Cotton LEADS™ program, which promotes the responsible production practices of Australian and US cotton producers, is deemed 100% bio-based amid changes to USDA's BioPreferred Program guidelines. |
 | NCC Appreciates Timely APH Announcement 10/21/2014 The National Cotton Council commended USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) for implementing a farm law provision important to cotton production areas that have been hit with drought and other adverse weather in recent years. |  | NCC Conducting STAX/Farm Bill Workshops 10/06/2014 The NCC scheduled 25 educational meetings across the Cotton Belt to provide its members with in-depth information regarding insurance options for cotton under The Agricultural Act of 2014. The first meeting was on Nov. 10 and the last two on Dec. 10. |  | Beltwide Cotton Conferences Offer Effective Decision-Making Help 10/06/2014 Attendees at the '15 Beltwide Cotton Conferences will have access to individual reports and panel discussions containing information useful for helping them make key cotton research, production and marketing-related decisions. |  | NCC Commends Resolution of Brazil WTO Dispute 10/01/2014 The NCC appreciates the US government’s successful efforts to conclude the US-Brazil trade dispute in the WTO through negotiation, thereby avoiding retaliation. |
 | Far West Cotton Producers to See Mid-South Cotton Operations 07/24/2014 Nine cotton producers from Arizona, California and New Mexico will see cotton operations in Arkansas, Missouri and Tennessee on July 28-31 as part of the NCC’s '14 Producer Information Exchange program. |  | Cotton LEADS™ Partners Now Exceed 200 07/23/2014 Cotton LEADS™, a joint program established by the Australian and US cotton industries, now has attained more than 200 partners across the global cotton textile supply chain. |  | Mid-South Cotton Producers to See San Joaquin Valley Agriculture 07/03/2014 Thirteen Mid-South cotton producers will observe cotton and other agricultural operations in California’s San Joaquin Valley the week of July 13 as part of the National Cotton Council’s 2014 Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.) Program. |
 | Earl Williams Receives Distinguished Service Award 05/29/2014 MONTEREY, Calif. – Earl Williams, past president/chief executive officer of the California Cotton Ginners Association, was honored here on May 29 as the recipient of the National Cotton Ginners Association’s (NCGA) '13-14 Distinguished Service Award. |
 | Farm Bill Education Meetings (click here for listing) 02/20/2014 A listing is now available of the 49 education meetings in 15 Cotton Belt states the NCC has scheduled to provide its members with a greater understanding of The Agricultural Act of 2014. |  | NCC Believes Brazil WTO Case Resolved 02/20/2014 In response to Brazil’s decision to request a panel at the WTO to assess the new US farm bill, the NCC stated that the new Stacked Income Protection Plan was developed specifically to bring the United States into compliance with the '08 WTO Appellate Body decision thus resolving the long-standing dispute. |  | NCC Applauds Timely Varroa Mite Forum 02/19/2014 The NCC applauded USDA for holding its “Varroa Mite Summit” saying the forum is a key step for stopping honey bee health decline. |  | Bowen Flowers Elected American Cotton Producers Chair 02/11/2014 Bowen Flowers, a Clarksdale, Miss., cotton producer, was elected as chairman of the American Cotton Producers (ACP) of the National Cotton Council (NCC) for 2014. |  | National Cotton Council Names 2014 Directors 02/10/2014 The National Cotton Council directors for 2014 were announced at the NCC’s annual meeting held here on February 7-9. |  | Cotton Service Award Honors Saxby Chambliss 02/10/2014 Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) is the recipient of the 2013 Harry S. Baker Distinguished Service Award. He was honored during the National Cotton Council’s 2014 annual meeting held on Feb. 7-9, in Washington, DC. |  | Darneille to Lead the NCC in '14 02/10/2014 Wallace L. Darneille, a Lubbock, Texas, cooperative marketer, was elected NCC chairman for 2014. Named during the NCC’s annual meeting held in Washington, DC, on Feb. 7-9, he succeeds Jimmy Dodson, a Robstown, Texas, cotton producer. |  | National Cotton Council 2014 State Unit Officers Named 02/10/2014 National Cotton Council state unit officers for 2014 were elected at the industrywide organization’s annual meeting in Washington, DC, on February 7-9. |  | Lee Tiller Recipient of National Ginner Award 02/08/2014 Lee Tiller, an Odem, TX, ginner, was named the 2013 Horace Hayden National Cotton Ginner of the Year. |  | NCC Survey Suggests US Producers to Plant 11.26 Million Acres of Upland/ELS Cotton in '14 02/08/2014 US cotton producers intend to plant 11.26 million acres of cotton this spring, up 8.2% from '13, according to the NCC’s 31st Annual Early Season Planting Intentions Survey. |  | Cotton Outlook Shaped by China’s Policy 02/08/2014 NCC economists say cotton’s 2014 outlook will be influenced by China’s policy decisions. |  | Lea Elected 2014 Cotton Council International President 02/07/2014 WASHINGTON, DC – Jordan Lea was elected the 2014 president of Cotton Council International (CCI) at CCI’s board meeting today at the National Cotton Council’s (NCC) 76th Annual Meeting. |  | NCC Applauds Senate’s Farm Bill Passage, Urges President's Signature 02/04/2014 The NCC is pleased that the Senate acted swiftly to approve the Farm Bill Conference Report (Agricultural Act of 2014) and appreciates the leadership provided by Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry Committee Chairwoman Stabenow (D-MI) and Ranking Member Cochran (R-MS). |
 | PEP Gives Cotton Producers Better Grasp of Policy, Issues 01/30/2014 Thirteen US cotton producers have been selected to participate in the '14 NCC Policy Education Program (PEP). |  | NCC Appreciates House Moving Farm Law Closer To Reality 01/29/2014 The NCC commended the House of Representatives for their strong bi-partisan approval of The Agricultural Act of 2014. |  | NCC Urges Swift Farm Bill Passage 01/28/2014 The NCC is urging Representatives to vote for the Farm Bill Conference Report when the House considers it on Jan. 29. |  | NCC Responds To Brazilian Cotton Growers Delegation Comments 01/15/2014 The NCC is deeply disappointed and disturbed by statements to the press made by representatives of the Brazilian cotton industry while they were in Washington, DC, on Jan. 13-15. |  | Wes Malloy Is Cotton Genetics Research Award Recipient 01/07/2014 Wes Malloy, who has served as site manager of the Cotton Winter Nursery in Tecoman, Mexico for the past 38 years, is the recipient of the '13 Cotton Genetics Research Award.
The announcement was made on Jan. 7 during the '14 Beltwide Cotton Improvement Conference in New Orleans. |  | '14 High Cotton Winners Honored 01/07/2014 The '14 Farm Press-Cotton Foundation High Cotton Awards recipients are: Southeast – Danny Darnell, Hillsboro, Ala.; Mid-South – Kenneth Hood, Gunnison, Miss.; Southwest – Steven Beakley, Ennis, Texas; and Far West – Clyde Sharp, Roll, Arizona. They and their families were honored Jan. 7 at the NCC-coordinated Beltwide Cotton Conferences. |