Growers' Perceptions Following Staple's First Year
J.D. Smith, E.C. Murdock, and A. Keeton |
765 |
Responses of Selected Cotton Varieties to Staple® (Pyrithiobac) Applications
G.B. Baldwin, D.M. Panter, R.E. Seay, C.B. Corkern and D.B. Reynolds |
765 |
Staple Performance in Cotton Weed Control Programs
R.G. Turner and D.A. Allison |
766 |
Ladysthumb Smartweed (Polygonum Persicaria) Control in Cotton with Staple
S.K. Rick, E.C. Murdock, A. Keeton, and T.J. Walker |
771 |
Cotton Response to Fluometuron and Pyrithiobac Applied Postemergence
C.D. Monks, M.G. Patterson, D.P. Delaney, B. Norris, and D. Moore |
771 |
Staple and Msma Systems for Weed Control in Cotton
J.W. Wilcut and J.D. Hinton |
771 |
Interactions with Staple and Postemergence Grass Herbicides
R.G. Lemon, P.A. Baumann, W.J. Grichar, G.D. Morgan and B. Besler |
772 |
Rotational Crop Response Following Staple Use in Arizona Cotton
J.L. Pacheco, K. Umeda, S.H. Husman and W.B. McCloskey |
772 |
Staple-Buctril and Staple-Roundup Combinations
J.A. Kendig |
776 |
Buctril/graminicide Interactions on Large Crabgrass (Digitaria Sanguinalis)
A.S. Culpepper and A.C. York |
776 |
Sicklepod Management in Bxn Cotton
M.D. Paulsgrove, J.W. Wilcut, A.C. York and J.D. Hinton |
777 |
Utilization of Roundup Ready and BXN Cotton Technologies in Central Texas
P.A. Baumann and G.D. Morgan |
777 |
Potential Fit of Roundup Ready Cotton in Georgia
S.M. Brown |
778 |
Roundup Ready Cotton Tolerance to Roundup Ultra Applied at Various Growth Stages
P.A. Dotray and J.W. Keeling |
778 |
Roundup Ready® Cotton Tolerance to Roundup® Ultra (Glyphosate) Herbicide
R.D. Voth, J.A. Mills and P.R. Rahn |
779 |
What Happens when Roundup ReadyTM Cotton is Sprayed with Roundup® after the Four Leaf Stage?
S.G. Matthews, P. Brawley, T.C. Mueller and R.M. Hayes |
779 |
Morphological Effects of Roundup Application Timings on Roundup-ReadyTM Cotton
C.J.Kalaher, H.D. Coble and A.C. York |
780 |
Weed Management in No-Till and Conventional-Tillage Roundup Ready Cotton
J.W. Wilcut and J.D. Hinton |
780 |
Weed Management in Conservation Tillage Systems Using Roundup in Roundup Ready Cotton
J.W. Keeling and P.A. Dotray |
781 |
Weed Control in Roundup ReadyTM Conservation Tillage Cotton
A. Keeton and E.C. Murdock |
781 |
Roundup Ready Weed Control Programs in Various Tillage Systems
K.M. Bloodworth, D.B. Reynolds, D.R. Shaw, W.C. Elkins, B.E. Serviss and C.E. Snipes |
782 |
Weed Control in Roundup ReadyTM Cotton
T.D. Isgett, E.C. Murdock and A. Keeton |
782 |
Weed Management Systems in Georgia Cotton Utilizing Roundup-Ready® Cotton
W.K. Vencill and L. Hawf |
783 |
Evaluation of Preplant and Preemergence Herbicides in Roundup Ready® Cotton
A.K. Welch, P.R. Rahn, R.D. Voth, J.A. Mills and C.R. Shumway |
784 |
Weed Control Systems for Roundup Ready® Cotton
E.P. Webster, J.D. Beaty and F.L. Baldwin |
785 |
Weed Management in Roundup Ready® Cotton
K.M. Jennings, J.M. Robbie, A.S. Culpepper and A.C. York |
786 |
Nutsedge (Cyperus Spp.) Management in Arizona Using Roundup-Ultra in Roundup Ready Cotton
William B. McCloskey |
786 |
Weed Control Systems in Roundup Ready® Cotton
J.A. Mills and R.D. Voth |
787 |
Weed Control with Roundup Ready Cotton in Alabama
M.G. Patterson, C.D. Monks, R.W. Goodman and D. Delaney |
788 |
Weed Control and Cotton Tolerance to Topical and Post-Directed Applications of Roundup Ultra
W.C. Elkins, D.B. Reynolds, K.M. Bloodworth, B.E. Serviss and C.E. Snipes |
788 |
A 2-year Regional Evaluation of Zorial and Postemergence Herbicides in BXNTM Cotton
E.C. Murdock, A.C. York, G. Wilson, J.W. Wilcut, W.K. Vencill, M.G. Patterson, H.S. McLean, E.F. Eastin, S.M. Brown, D.C. Bridges, B.J. Brecke and T.A. Baughman |
789 |
Agricultural Chemicals in Texas: Assessment of Grower Preferences and Practices
Dudley Smith, Tom Fuchs and Rodney Holloway |
789 |
Microencapsulated Command Formulations in Cotton
B.D. Sims, S.J. Stringer, H.R. Mitchell, T.W. Mize and E.V. Gage |
791 |
Winter Annual Weed Identification and Preplant Control
Daniel B. Reynolds, David L. Jordan, Stephen H. Crawford and P. Roy Vidrine |
794 |
Annual Morningglory (Ipomea Spp.) Control in Cotton
S.D. Wright, R.N. Vargas, M.R. Jimenez Jr., M.P. Keeley and R. Delgado |
795 |
An Update on Griffin Corporation's Activities to Maintain Cyanazine Registrations
Jim R. Bone and T. Bond McInnes |
795 |
Banvel SGF for Weed Control in Fallow-bedcotton
Greg Ferguson |
796 |
Preemergence-Postemergence Herbicide Combinations for Economical Weed Control
J.A. Kendig |
798 |
How Competitive is Palmer Amaranth (Amaranthus Palmeri) with Cotton?
G.D. Morgan, P.A. Baumann and J.M. Chandler |
798 |
Weed Control Interactions Associated with Roundup™ and Insecticide Mixtures
V.J. Mascarenhas and J.L. Griffin |
799 |
Cotton Weed Management in No-Till Maize and Sorghum Stubble
James R. Smart and Joe M. Bradford |
801 |
Defoliation Programs for Cotton
J.D. Beaty, E.P. Webster and C.E. Snipes |
802 |
Precision Seeded Low Plant Population Cotton: Effect on Yield and Weed Control
D.C. Bridges and S.M. Brown |
803 |
Preemergence and Postemergence Weed Control Systems Utilizing Herbicide Resistant Cotton
P.R. Vidrine, E.P. Millhollon, D.K. Miller and D.L. Jordan |
803 |
Palmer Amaranth Control in Cotton, 1994-1996
H.R. Hurst |
804 |