Cotton Foundation Annual Reports


Through the years, the Cotton Foundation has supported unique projects like the current compilation of a book documenting the history of the pink bollworm eradication program.

2022-2023 (2 MB PDF)
2021-2022 (658 KB PDF)
2020-2021 (978 KB PDF)
2019-2020 (730 KB PDF)
2018-2019 (799 KB PDF)
2017-2018 (568 KB PDF)
2016-2017 (1.0 MB PDF)
2015-2016 (287 KB PDF)
2014-2015 (615 KB PDF)
2013-2014 (297 KB PDF)
2012-2013 (443 KB PDF)
2011-2012 (451 KB PDF)
2010-2011 (443 KB PDF)
2009-2010 (539 KB PDF)
2007-2008 (1.2 MB PDF)
2006-2007 (943 KB PDF)
2005-2006 (923 KB PDF)
2004-2005 (1.0 MB PDF)
2003-2004 (360 KB PDF)
2002-2003 (873 KB PDF)
2001-2002 (1.8 MB PDF)
2000-2001 (1.24 MB  PDF)
1999-2000 (848 KB PDF)

One of Our Many Members


Cotton Farming is the most requested publication by American cotton producers for cotton information. Co-owned by Lia Guthrie and Mississippi Delta cotton farmer, Mike Lamensdorf, Cotton Farming focuses on delivering profitable production and management strategies to improve our readers' bottom line. We feel industry involvement is crucial to our audience's survival which hits very close to home for us. Publishing Cotton Farming each month is not just what we do. It is who we are. We co-sponsor the Texas Cotton Ginners Association Annual Meeting and Trade Show each year as well as the long-standing, highly respected Cotton Consultant of the Year award. We believe that global competition is paramount to our farmers and have co-sponsored several cotton quality seminars to improve awareness of our readers about marketing in the global marketplace