Privilege of Voting
Under the NCC’s Bylaws, the privilege of voting on questions coming before the session is reserved for duly elected delegate members, or, if a delegate is unable to attend, the duly accredited alternate.
Casting the Vote of an Absent Member
While it is desirable for an Interest to be represented by its full number of delegates, or their alternates, the Bylaws make provision for casting the votes of absent members. If a given delegate is not present and is not represented by an alternate, the absent member’s vote may be cast by any other delegate or delegates present from the same Interest of the same State Unit, or the same Region, or the same Cotton Manufacturer District, as applicable; if an “at-large” delegate is absent, his or her vote may be cast by the other “at-large” delegate or delegates present from the same Interest.
A delegate may not vote by proxy.
There is a regular alternate for each producer and cooperative delegate. In such cases, if a delegate cannot attend a convention, he or she should notify the regular alternate, as well as the NCC and the organization or organizations which selected the delegate and alternate. If neither a delegate nor the designated alternate can attend a given convention, the organization or organizations making the original selections may designate a special alternate for that convention only.
For the ginner, merchant, warehouseman, cottonseed and textile manufacturer Interests, the organization or organizations, which selected a delegate who cannot attend a given convention, may designate an alternate for that convention only.
Under the NCC’s Bylaws, Interest Organization officials are not eligible to serve either as alternates or delegates, unless they are actively engaged in the business of the Interest.
Those who are entitled to payment of expenses must register at the convention registration desk to get their expense account form. All delegates, alternates, advisory members and guests are urged to register as promptly as possible after arrival.
In keeping with a NCC Board of Directors resolution, a registration fee of $150 will be charged. The fee is needed to help offset costs associated with annual meeting events. The fee applies to officers, delegates, alternates and advisory members, but there is no charge for spouses or guests and children.
Authorization of Payment of Expenses
The NCC Board of Directors authorizes payment of expenses for attending the convention for the following: officers, Board members and eligible Board advisors, delegate members, alternates who are attending in place of absent delegates, advisory members who also serve as members of the program committees, and members of any special committees that meet during the convention.
The NCC Board of Directors establishes the guidelines for payment of expenses at the annual meeting and for attendance at Board and committee sessions held in conjunction with it. Accordingly, reimbursement for attendance at the 2025 Annual Meeting is authorized by the NCC Board of Directors on the following basis.
Reimbursement for standard convention rate hotel room cost for the period in attendance (Friday and Saturday nights) at the annual meeting; and subsistence allowance to be applied toward meals and miscellaneous expenses of $50 per day for the number of days actually in attendance (Friday through Sunday) at the meeting.
Air and other travel expenses are not reimbursable.