
Summary of cotton seedling disease in Arkansas .

Dr. Craig Rothrock University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, Department of Plant Pathology, PTSC-217, Fayetteville, AR 72701, Phone: (479) 575-6687 FAX: (479) 575-7601 Email:

Predominant Seedling Disease Complex of Soil Fungi: Pythium spp., Rhizoctonia solani , and Thielaviopsis basicola.

1998 Yield Loss Estimate valued at $390/Bale: 3.0% of the cotton crop was lost to cotton seedling dieases damage ... 41,860 bales ... valued at $16,325,400.

Seven-Year Average Yield Loss Estimate from 1992 through 1998: Annual average of 3.71% of the crop was lost to damage from cotton seedling diseases damage ... 59,910 bales ... valued at $22,634,220.

2003 Research Activity: Ten trials were conducted in 2003 to evaluate in-furrow and hopper-box fungicides; four trials at the Delta Branch Experiment Station, Clarkedale, AR, and six trials in growers' fields. This data is being used to develop a decision-aid to provide growers a probability that in-furrow fungicides will protect stand under his planting conditions.

For details of test results, contact Jennifer Gimpert.