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Agronomy and Soils

Introgression of Thrips Resistance from Pima Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium barbadense[[/em]] L.) into Upland Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.)
Volume 28 (2024) Issue 2

Estimating Cotton Canopy Temperature Artifacts in UAV-Based Thermal Measurements
Volume 27 (2023) Issue 4

Effects of Potassium Rates and Timing on Cotton Yield and Fiber Quality
Volume 27 (2023) Issue 3

Zonal Application of Plant Growth Regulator in Cotton to Reduce Variability and Increase Yield in a Highly Variable Field
Volume 27 (2023) Issue 2

Yield, Fiber Quality, and Textile Outcomes from In-Field Blending of Cotton Seed at Planting
Volume 27 (2023) Issue 1

Soil Potassium Effects on Cotton Lint Yield and Fiber Quality on the Texas High Plains
Volume 27 (2023) Issue 1

Refining Cotton Replanting Recommendations
Volume 26 (2022) Issue 2

Cotton Yield and Quality Response to Row Pattern and Seeding Rate
Volume 26 (2022) Issue 2

Mepiquat Chloride Applications across Two Nitrogen Rates in a Conservation Tillage Cotton System
Volume 26 (2022) Issue 1

Impact of Environmental Conditions and Variety on Seed Coat Fragment Issues in Georgia in 2020
Volume 26 (2022) Issue 1

In-Season Assessment of Cotton Nitrogen Status from a Handheld Smartphone and an Unmanned Aerial System
Volume 25 (2021) Issue 3

Bibliometric Analysis of Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium[[/em]] spp.) Research Based on Web of Science Agronomy Category
Volume 25 (2021) Issue 3

Impact of Cover Crop Species on Soil Physical Properties, Cotton Yield, and Profitability
Volume 25 (2021) Issue 2

Optimum Irrigation Termination Timing in Furrow Irrigated Cotton
Volume 25 (2021) Issue 1

Evaluation of Cover Crop Species Termination Timing Prior to Cotton Production in Mississippi
Volume 24 (2020) Issue 3

Making the Cotton Replant Decision: A Novel and Simplistic Method to Estimate Cotton Plant Population from UAS-calculated NDVI
Volume 24 (2020) Issue 3

Irrigation and Planting Geometry Effects on Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.) Yield and Water Use
Volume 24 (2020) Issue 3

Making the Replant Decision: Predicting Yield and Fiber Quality in the Mid-South from Planting Date and Population
Volume 24 (2020) Issue 2

Water Volume and Deposition Effects on Harvest-Aid Efficacy
Volume 24 (2020) Issue 1

Cotton Growth and Yield Response to Short-Term Tillage Systems and Planting Date in North Carolina
Volume 23 (2019) Issue 4

Effect of Foliar Applied Nitrogen to Cotton with Artificial Terminal and Node Removal
Volume 23 (2019) Issue 3

Upland Cotton Growth and Yield Response to Enhanced Inputs Across the Mid-south and Southeast Cotton Belt
Volume 23 (2019) Issue 2

Cotton Development and Yield Response to Irrigation, Planting Date, and Cultivar in North Carolina
Volume 23 (2019) Issue 2

Three Soil Water Potential Strategies to Schedule Irrigation Events using S3DI in Cotton
Volume 23 (2019) Issue 1

Impact of Irrigation Timing on Tarnished Plant Bug Populations and Yield of Cotton
Volume 23 (2019) Issue 1

Evaluation of Early Season Foliar Fungicide Applications to Support Non-Fungicidal ‘Plant Health’ Benefits
Volume 23 (2019) Issue 1

Cotton Response to Simulated Hail Damage and Stand Loss in Central Texas
Volume 23 (2019) Issue 1

Influence of Irrigation Pattern on Effectiveness of Furrow Irrigation of Cotton
Volume 22 (2018) Issue 3

Manure-Derived Biochars for Use as a Phosphorus Fertilizer in Cotton Production
Volume 21 (2017) Issue 4

A Deficit Irrigation Trial in Differing Soils Used To Evaluate Cotton Irrigation Scheduling For The Mid-South
Volume 21 (2017) Issue 4

The Effects of Mepiquat Chloride Applied to Cotton at Early Bloom and Physiological Cutout
Volume 21 (2017) Issue 3

Evaluation of Wheat Stubble Management and Seeding Rates for Cotton Grown Following Wheat Production
Volume 21 (2017) Issue 2

Evaluation of Planting Date, Variety, and PRE Herbicide on Thrips Infestations, Cotton Growth and Development, and Lint Yield
Volume 21 (2017) Issue 2

Effect of Nitrogen Application Rates on Yield and Quality in Irrigated and Rainfed Cotton
Volume 21 (2017) Issue 2

SHORT COMMUNICATION[[br]]Soil Properties Under Cotton-Corn Rotations in Australian Cotton Farms
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 4

Leaf Pubescence and Defoliation Strategy Influence on Cotton Defoliation and Fiber Quality
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 4

Growth and Agronomic Performance of Cotton When Grown in Rotation with Soybean
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 4

In-Season Cotton Drought-Stress Quantification: Previous Approaches and Future Directions
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 3

Long-Term Cotton Yield Impacts from Cropping Rotations and Biocovers under No-Tillage
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 2

Evaluation of Foliar Applications of Strobilurin Fungicides in Cotton across the Southern United States
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 2

Ability of Cotton on the Texas High Plains to Compensate for Pre-bloom Square Loss and Impact on Yield and Fiber Quality
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 2

Influence of Nitrogen and Mepiquat Chloride on Cotton Canopy Reflectance Measurements
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 1

Cotton Response to Long-Term No-Tillage and Cover Cropping in the San Joaquin Valley
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 1

Changing Optimal Nitrogen Levels in Cotton
Volume 20 (2016) Issue 1

Using Precipitation Forecasts to Irrigate Cotton
Volume 19 (2015) Issue 3

Determining Optimum Plant Growth Regulator Application Rates in Response to Fruiting Structure and Flower Bud Removal
Volume 19 (2015) Issue 3

Defoliant Effects on Cover Crop Germination, Cover Crop Growth, and subsequent Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]]) Development
Volume 19 (2015) Issue 2

[[font color="ff0000"]]REVIEW[[/font]][[BR]]Advances in Cotton Harvesting Technology: a Review and Implications for the John Deere Round Baler Cotton Picker
Volume 19 (2015) Issue 2

Vertical Blocking in Cotton Cultivar Performance Trials in North Carolina
Volume 19 (2015) Issue 2

Impact of Soil Variability on Irrigated and Rainfed Cotton
Volume 19 (2015) Issue 1

Utilization of Poultry Litter, Tillage, and Cover Crops for Cotton Production on Highly Degraded Soils in Northeast Louisiana
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 3

Response of Four Cotton Genotypes to N Fertilization for Root Hydraulic Conductance and Lint Yield
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 3

Cotton Response to Nitrogen Derived from Leguminous Cover Crops and Urea Ammonium Nitrate
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 3

Thrips and Cotton Response to Relay Intercropping with Wheat in North Carolina
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 2

Effect of Differential Irrigation on Accumulation of Canopy Temperature-Based Heat Units in Cotton
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 2

Effect of an Upper Temperature Threshold on Heat Unit Calculations, Defoliation Timing, Lint Yield, and Fiber Quality in Cotton
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 2

Cotton Growth, Yield, and Fiber Quality Response to Irrigation and Water Deficit in Soil of Varying Depth to a Sand Layer
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 2

Comparative Performance of a Glandless Acala Cultivar and Two Glanded Acala Cultivars in New Mexico
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 2

A Retrospective Review of Cotton Irrigation on a Production Farm in the Mid-South
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 2

Seed Size and Oil Content Are Key Determinants of Seedling Vigor in [[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]]
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 1

Impact of Pima Defoliation Timings on Lint Yield and Quality
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 1

Development and Application of Process-based Simulation Models for Cotton Production: A Review of Past, Present, and Future Directions
Volume 18 (2014) Issue 1

Response of Obsolete and Modern Cotton Genotypes to Varying Plant Densities
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 4

6-Benzyladenine Enhancements of Cotton Yields
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 4

Investigation of Physiological Growth, Fiber Quality, Yield, and Yield Stability of Upland Cotton Varieties in Differing Environments
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 3

[[font color="ff0000"]]NOTE[[/font]][[BR]]Growth and Physiological Responses of Five Cotton Genotypes to Sodium Chloride and Sodium Sulfate Saline Water Irrigation
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 3

The Impact of Variable, Cold Minimum Temperatures on Boll Retention, Boll Growth, and Yield Recovery of Cotton
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 2

Ability of Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.) to Recover From Early Season Nitrogen Deficiency
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 2

A Scan Level Cotton Carbon Life Cycle Assessment: Has Bio-Tech Reduced the Carbon Emissions from Cotton Production in the USA?
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 2

Water Use Efficiency and Irrigation Response of Cotton Cultivars on Subsurface Drip in West Texas
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 1

Lint Yield, Lint Quality, and Economic Returns of Cotton Production under Traditional and Regulated Deficit Irrigation Schemes in Southwest Texas
Volume 17 (2013) Issue 1

Effect of Intercropping Corn on Egyptian Cotton Characters
Volume 16 (2012) Issue 4

Phosphorus Recovered From Swine Wastewater as a Fertilizer for Cotton Grown With Conservation Tillage
Volume 16 (2012) Issue 2

Performance of Cotton Agrochemicals when Spray Solution Application is Delayed
Volume 15 (2011) Issue 3

Effect of Twin-Row Planting Pattern and Plant Density on Cotton Growth, Yield, and Fiber Quality
Volume 15 (2011) Issue 3

Effect of Sample Size on Cotton Plant Mapping Analysis and Results
Volume 15 (2011) Issue 3

Deep Subsurface Drip Irrigation for Cotton in the Southeast
Volume 15 (2011) Issue 3

6-Benzyladenine Enhancement of Cotton
Volume 15 (2011) Issue 3

Lint Yield and Crop Maturity Responses to Irrigation in a Short-Season Environment
Volume 15 (2011) Issue 1

Beltwide Evaluation of Commercially Available Plant Growth Regulators
Volume 14 (2010) Issue 3

Potassium and Magnesium Nutrition of Cotton Fertilized with Broiler Litter
Volume 14 (2010) Issue 1

Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Fertigation for North Alabama Cotton Production
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 4

Comparison of Mechanical and Chemical Winter Cereal Cover Crop Termination Systems and Cotton Yield In Conservation Agriculture
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 4

Cotton Production in Rotation with Summer Legumes
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 3

Seed Quality and Planting Date Effects on Cotton Lint Yield, Yield Components, and Fiber Quality
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 2

Physiological Response of Cotton to a Root Zone Soil Moisture Gradient: Implications for Partial Root zone Drying Irrigation
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 2

Narrow-Row Cotton Production under Irrigated and Non-irrigated Environment: Plant Population and Lint Yield
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 2

Effect of Irrigation Rates on Three Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.) Cultivars in a Root-knot Nematode ([[em]]Meloidogyne incognita[[/em]]) Infested Field
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 2

Influence of Within-season Densities of Heliothines and Tarnished Plant Bugs on Variability in End-of-season Cotton Yield Mapping
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 1

Cotton Yield Response to Soil- and Foliar-Applied Potassium as Influenced by Irrigation
Volume 13 (2009) Issue 1

Plant Population and Planting Date Effects on Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.) Growth and Yield
Volume 12 (2008) Issue 3

Genetic Variation for Waterlogging Tolerance in Cotton
Volume 12 (2008) Issue 2

Cotton Planting Date and Plant Population Effects on Yield and Fiber Quality in the Mississippi Delta
Volume 12 (2008) Issue 1

Narrow-row Cotton Response to Mepiquat Chloride
Volume 11 (2007) Issue 4

Heat Unit Availability for Cotton Production in the Ogallala Aquifer Region of the United States
Volume 11 (2007) Issue 3

Irrigated Cotton Response to Tillage Systems in the Tennessee Valley
Volume 11 (2007) Issue 1

Field Evaluation of Nitrophenolate Plant Growth Regulator (Chaperone) for the Effect on Cotton Lint Yield
Volume 11 (2007) Issue 1

Cotton Lint Yield and Quality As Affected by Applications of N, P, and K Fertilizers
Volume 11 (2007) Issue 1

Cotton Growth and Yield Response to Nitrogen Applied Through Fresh and Composted Poultry Litter
Volume 11 (2007) Issue 1

Response of Yield, Yield Components, and Fiber Properties of Egyptian Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium barbadense[[/em]] L.) to Nitrogen Fertilization and Foliar-applied Potassium and Mepiquat Chloride
Volume 10 (2006) Issue 4

Effects of a Short-term Corn Rotation on Cotton Dry Matter Partitioning, Lint Yield, and Fiber Quality Production
Volume 10 (2006) Issue 4

Comparison of Growth and Yield Components of Conventional and Ultra-narrow Row Cotton
Volume 10 (2006) Issue 4

Correlation of Defoliation Timing Methods to Optimize Cotton Yield, Quality, and Revenue
Volume 10 (2006) Issue 3

Management of Cotton Grown Under Overhead Sprinkle and Sub-surface Drip Irrigation
Volume 10 (2006) Issue 2

Effect of Carrier Volume and Nozzle Type on Cotton Harvest-aid Efficacy
Volume 10 (2006) Issue 2

Development and Yields of Cotton under Two Tillage Systems and Nitrogen Application Following White Lupin Grain Crop
Volume 10 (2006) Issue 1

Estimating Defoliation of Two Distinct Cotton Types Using Reflectance Data
Volume 09 (2005) Issue 4

Effects of Different Seeding Rates and Plant Growth Regulators on Early-planted Cotton
Volume 09 (2005) Issue 4

Soil Calcium: Magnesium Ratios and Lime Recommendations for Cotton
Volume 09 (2005) Issue 2

Evaluation of Strip Tillage on Weed Control, Plant Morphology, and Yield of Glyphosate-Resistant Cotton
Volume 09 (2005) Issue 1

Evaluation of a Production System in China that Uses Reduced Plant Densities and Retention of Vegetation Branches
Volume 09 (2005) Issue 1

Response to Defoliation Timing Based on Heat-Unit Accumulation In Diverse Field Environments
Volume 08 (2004) Issue 3

Response of Cotton to P and K Soil Fertility Gradients in North Carolina
Volume 08 (2004) Issue 3

An Evaluation of Alternative Cotton Harvesting Methods in Northeast Louisiana - A Comparison of the Brush Stripper and Spindle Harvester
Volume 08 (2004) Issue 2

Cotton Growth, Lint Yield, and Fiber Quality as Affected by Row Spacing and Cultivar
Volume 08 (2004) Issue 1

Evaluation of Row Spacing and Mepiquat Chloride in Cotton
Volume 07 (2003) Issue 4

Planting Cotton Cultivar Mixtures to Enhance Fiber Quality
Volume 07 (2003) Issue 3

Effects of Weather on Cotton Responses to Harvest-Aid Chemicals
Volume 06 (2002) Issue 1

Potassium Fertilization of Conventional- and No-Till Cotton
Volume 05 (2001) Issue 4

Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilization of Disk-Till and No-Till Cotton
Volume 05 (2001) Issue 3

Fertilizer Additive Rate and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Cotton
Volume 05 (2001) Issue 1

Wick Applicator for Applying Mepiquat Chloride on Cotton: II. Use in Existing Mepiquat Chloride Management Strategies
Volume 05 (2001) Issue 1

Wick Applicator for Applying Mepiquat Chloride on Cotton: I. Rate Response of Wick and Spray Delivery Systems
Volume 05 (2001) Issue 1

Measuring Maturity of Cotton Using Nodes above White Flower
Volume 05 (2001) Issue 1

Buffering of Foliar Potassium and Boron Solutions for No-tillage Cotton Production
Volume 04 (2000) Issue 4

Cotton Mote Frequency Under Rainfed and Irrigated Conditions
Volume 04 (2000) Issue 1

Evaluation of Calcium Nitrate as an In-furrow Applied Starter For Cotton
Volume 03 (1999) Issue 3

Winter Annual Cover Crops in a Virginia No-till Cotton Production System: II. Cover Crop and Tillage Effects on Soil Moisture, Cotton Yield, and Cotton Quality
Volume 03 (1999) Issue 3

Winter Annual Cover Crops in a Virginia No-till Cotton Production System: I. Biomass Production, Ground Cover, and Nitrogen Assimilation
Volume 03 (1999) Issue 3

Yield and Petiole Nitrate Concentrations of Cotton Treated with Soil-Applied and Foliar-Applied Nitrogen
Volume 02 (1998) Issue 3

Harvest-Aid Interactions under Different Temperature Regimes in Field-Grown Cotton
Volume 01 (1997) Issue 1