Bibliometric Analysis of Cotton (Gossypium spp.) Research Based on Web of Science Agronomy CategoryAuthors:
Bao-Zhong Yuan, and Jie Sun
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Cotton is the main source of renewable fiber in the world and is primarily used for textile production. This study analyzed 3,487 papers on cotton research published during 1990 to 2021 from the agronomy category of the Web of Science (WoS). Papers were mainly written in English (96.329%), from 8,860 authors, 87 countries/territories, 1,661 organizations, and published in 107 journals and book series. The top five core journals were Crop Science (433, 12.418%), Agronomy Journal (310, 8.89%), Weed Technology (205, 5.879%), Field Crops Research (203, 5.822%), and Euphytica (189, 5.42%) with each publishing more than 189 papers. The top five countries and regions were the U.S., Peoples Republic of China, India, Brazil, and Australia. The top five organizations were USDA ARS, Texas A&M Univ., North Carolina State Univ., Univ. Georgia, and Cotton Incorporated. The top five authors were Johnie N. Jenkins, Don C. Jones, Jack C. McCarty, Jr., Jinfa Zhang, and C. Wayne Smith, with each publishing 72 papers or more. Visualizations using VOSviewer were conducted on WoS data to determine co-occurrence and clusters of connected publications, country input, organizations, and author collaboration (coauthorship) as well as clusters of all keywords of interrelated research topics. Based on the analysis of the network map of VOSviewer, there is cooperation among authors, organizations, and countries or regions. All keywords of the cotton research papers published during 1990 to 2021 from WoS agronomy category separated into six clusters based on different research topics.