Command® 4EC Herbicide for Cotton Weed Control
D.R. Edwards and L.D. Hatfield |
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Post-Directed Applications of Methazole and Cyanazine, Alone and in Combination for Weed Control in Cotton
Randall Ratliff, R. Hugh Crowley, J. Holland Jordan, and Jerry Wells |
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Weed Control Systems for No-Till Cotton
R.M. Hayes, P.E. Hoskinson, and D.D. Tyler |
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Conservation Tillage Cotton Production Systems: Weed Control for Sandy Soils
J.W. Keeling and J.R. Abernathy |
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1987 Herbicide Use in Cotton Production
Herman W. Delvo |
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Long Term Non-Effects of Trifluralin on Cotton Growth and Yield
C.T. Bryson and Lex Webster |
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Resistance of Common Cocklebur to the Organic Arsenical Herbicides
W.E. Haigler, B.J. Gossett, and L.H. Harvey |
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Experimental Herbicides for Morningglory Control in Cotton
R.S. Baker |
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Factors Influencing the Postemergence Over-The-Top Application of Fluometurom and Methazole
T.N. Tripp and J.D. Beaty |
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Effect of Nitrogen and Dash on the Efficacy of Poast
A.C. York and D.L. Jordan |
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The Reregistration Status of Cotton Herbicides
Richard F. Mountfort |
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Cyanazine: A Potential Preplant Cotton Herbicide
J.P. Chernicky, E.S. Heathman, and B. Barstow |
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Redweed (Melochia corchorifolia) Control in Cotton
Steven M. Brown |
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Methazole in a Comprehensive System for Morningglory Control in Cotton
K.L. Smith and J.M. Chandler |
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Control of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halapense) with Sethoxydim plus BCH-815 in Cotton and Soybeans
Charles Finley, Leslie Lloyd, Scott Gibson, and Larry Wilde |
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Considerations in Developing a Postemergence Herbicide in Cotton
G.S. Ide |
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Cost Effectiveness of Weed Control Inputs in Alabama Cotton
M.G. Patterson, E.H. Simpson, and C.D. Monks |
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Control Systems for Morningglory and Velvetleaf Management in Cotton
B.D. Sims and D.E. Guethle |
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Performance of Preemergence Application of Fluometuron Fomesafen and RE-40885 in Louisiana
S.H. Crawford, P.R. Vidrine, and R.K. Collins |
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No-Tillage Cotton after Irrigated Barley
A.F. Wiese, G.J. Michels, and W.L. Harman |
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Yellow Nutsedge Control in Cotton with Fomesafen
Clyde C. Dowler |
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Report of the 1987 Loss Committee
Mike Patterson |
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Methods for Spot Treating Johnsongrass with SC 1084 or Clethodim
H.R. Hurst and J.R. Williford |
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Documentation of Weed Infestation Levels in Georgia Cotton
Steven M. Brown |
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Documentation of Uncontrolled Weeds in Central Alabama Cotton
Mike Patterson |
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