Yellow Nutsedge Control in Cotton with Fomesafen

Clyde C. Dowler


From 1985 through 1987, experiments to control yellow nutsedge in cotton with conventional and irrigation preemergence application of fomesafen alone and in combination with selected herbicides were conducted. Conventional application was done with a tractor-mounted plot sprayer calibrated to deliver 187 1/ha spray volume. Irrigation application was made with irrigation sprinkler systems in 0.63 to 0.83 cm/ha water. In addition to good yellow nutsedge control (80-90%), fomesafen gave good to excellent control of Texas panicum, tall morningglory, pigweed, and temporarily suppressed sicklepod. Fomesafen did not control Florida beggarweed. Fomesafen plus cinmethylin improved Texas panicum and Florida beggarweed control. Fluometuron with fomesafen generally gave good to excellent control of the above weed species. Fomesafen applied preemergence followed by conventional over-the-top postemergence applications of MSMA improved Florida beggarweed control. Fomesafen applied alone or in the above herbicide combinations through irrigation controlled yellow nutsedge and other annual weeds in cotton as well as conventional ground application.

Reprinted from 1988 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pg. 392
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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