Seven field experiments were conducted in Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina to determine if combinations of methazole and cyanazine could control various weeds when applied late postemergence in cotton. Applications of methazole, cyanazine, and combinations of the two were made to weeds either 2-3" tall or 3-5" tall. Methazole and cyanazine were applied at the labeled rates of 0.5 and 0.6 lb ai/A respectively. Combinations of the two included either 0.25 or 0.38 lb ai/A methazole applied with 0.2, 0.3, or 0.4 lb ai/A cyanazine. Methazole alone was as efficacious as any of the combinations on the smaller weeds. Methazole alone also injured much less cotton than did any cyanazine treatment at the first treatment. When applications were made to the larger weeds the addition of cyanazine to the low rates of methazole provided weed control and crop injury comparable to the standard methazole treatment. Some combinations controlled more large sicklepod than the methazole alone.