March 4, 2016 -- Revised Interim Enforcement Procedures for Reporting Requirements under 29 C.F.R. 1904.39
Memorandum for Regional Administrators and State Designees
Overview: On September 18, 2014, OSHA issued a final rule revising its occupational injury and illness recordkeeping and reporting requirements in 29 C.F.R. 1904. The new requirements became effective on January 1, 2015. The final rule requires employers to report all work-related in-patient hospitalizations, amputations and losses of an eye to OSHA within 24 hours of the event. The previously existing requirement for employers to report all work-related fatalities to OSHA within eight hours was not changed. For additional information, see the preamble to the final rule at 79 FR 56129-56188, Occupational Injury and Illness Recording and Reporting Requirements - NAICS Update and Reporting Revisions, September 18, 2014.
OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements page includes information and links about: Recordkeeping Requirements, Maintaining and Posting Records, Electronic Submission of Records and Severe Injury Reporting.
Provisions call for employers to electronically submit injury and illness data that they already record: Why is OSHA issuing this rule? What does the rule require? How will electronic submission work? Also covers anti-retaliation protections and Compliance schedule.