Bale Packaging: Eliminating Broken Bale Ties
What causes broken ties? How are problems diagnosed? What can be done to adjust machinery in order to correct the problems? “Bale Packaging: Eliminating Broken Bale Ties” describes the four main factors that lead to tie breakage on Gin UD bales. Included are proper ginning techniques that can prevent excessive tie breakage — and help lower the associated costs incurred by ginners, warehousemen, shippers and manufacturers.
To order your copy of the DVD send an email to with the phrase “Bale Packaging: Eliminating Broken Bale Ties” in the subject line. In the body of the email please include:
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“Bale Packaging: Eliminating Broken Bale Ties” is brought to you by the National Cotton Council, with support from the Cotton Foundation. Add this DVD to your library of educational materials offered by the National Cotton Council.
DVD length: approximately 13 minutes.