Cotton Newsline: June 10, 2020
The U.S. cotton industry leadership took swift action after a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit vacated the registration of three dicamba products used in cotton production, and late Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final cancellation order for the label of the three dicamba products subject to the court’s ruling.
The U.S. cotton industry leadership took swift action after a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit vacated the registration of three dicamba products used in cotton production, and late Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a final cancellation order for the label of the three dicamba products subject to the court’s ruling. Reece Langley, Vice President of Washington Operations for the National Cotton Council, joins us with the Council’s response to EPA’s new guidance and tells us what the Council is doing to ensure use of these important crop protection tools for cotton producers.