U.S. and World Cotton Outlook
Russell G. Barlowe |
368 |
Outlook for the 1987 Economy
Edward L. McClelland |
368 |
This Was a High-Powered Instrument That Sent its Projectile to the Vitals of the Industry-- Why USDA Does Not Forecast Cotton Prices
Terry P. Townsend |
374 |
Changing Patterns of Asian Cotton Trade
Carolyn L. Whitton |
378 |
Institutional Structures in Cotton Export Marketing
Elias T. Ayuk and Fred J. Ruppel |
386 |
An Integrated Cotton Model with Interactions Between Domestic Program and International Market
Dean T. Chen |
390 |
A Quantitative Analysis of the Japanese Import Demand for U.S. Cotton
C.W. Herndon, E.M. Tubbs, and E.A. Stennis |
395 |
Cotton Options and the Pilot Projects on Futures Trading
Dr. O.A. Cleveland, Jr. |
398 |
Impacts of Cotton Marketing Loan
Carl G. Anderson, Mechel Paggi, and Dean Chen |
399 |
Prospects for Significant Change in Global, Cotton Markets
Don E. Ethridge and Priscilla A. Andrew |
399 |
Costs of Producing and Marketing U.S. Cotton
Irving R. Starbird and Edward H. Glade, Jr. |
406 |
Cost of Producing Cotton in the U.S. and Competing Countries
Priscilla Andrew and Don E. Ethridge |
413 |
The Role of Cotton in Texas Coastal Bend Crop Rotations
M. Stockton, M. E. Rister, J. W. Richardson, D.A. Bessler, G. M. Perry, J. E. Matocha, J.Bremer, S. Livingston, L. Reyes, J.Novak, and Jess Person |
415 |
Farm Enterprise Data Budgets in Mississippi
Dick Knight and Fred T. Cooke, Jr. |
419 |
Costs of Producing Cotton in the Delta Area of Mississippi
James G. Hamill and David H. Laughlin |
421 |
Impact of Powerlines on Cost of Cotton Production
Lucas D. Parsch and M. David Norman |
422 |
Estimating the Potential for Vegetable Production on Cotton Farms in Louisiana
John F. Denison and Kenneth W. Paxton |
427 |
A Simulation Model for Cotton Harvesting in Mississippi
Stan R. Spurlock, Cary W. Herndon, and D.W. Parvin, Jr. |
435 |
Cotton Short Hedge Evaluator: A Microcomputer Program
Thomas L. Sporleder and Carl G. Anderson |
438 |
U.S. Mill Demand for Cotton Fiber by End-Use
Eluned Jones-Russell and Thomas L. Sporleder |
441 |
Prices Paid by Textile Manufacturers for Cotton Fiber Properties
Kenneth R. Bowman and Don E. Ethridge |
446 |
Transporting Cotton by Rail -- Profile of Methods, Rates, and Facilities
Edward H. Glade, Jr. |
448 |
Economic Consequences of the Cotton Marketing Loan
Harold Stults and Joe Glauber |
451 |
Impact of the Conservation Compliance Provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985--Interim Rules on the Texas Southern High Plains
Lawrence A. Lippke, Edward G. Smith, Bill L. Harris, James W. Richardson, Lonnie L. Jones, and John Lee |
453 |
Cotton Acreage and Farm Program Participation on Alabama Farms under Selected Policy Provisions
Anne Mims, Patricia A. Duffy, and William E. Hardy, Jr. |
458 |
Economic Analysis of the 1985 Farm Program Skip-Row Provision for Cotton Production
Stephen H. Amosson |
460 |
Impact of the 1986 Tax Reform Act on Cotton Producers and Processors
Richard A. Edwards, Clair J. Nixon, and James W. Richardson |
461 |
The Economics of Alternative Cotton Picker and Stripper Utilization
Ashley C. Lovell, Richard A. Edwards, and Robert S. Metzer |
463 |
Microcomputer Use in Machinery Management and Cost Calculation
James M. McGrann, Lawrence A. Lippke, Henry O'Neal, and Roy Childers |
465 |
The Impact of Greece and Spain's Accession into the EC on Their Cotton Industries
W. Quintin Gray |
467 |
Trends in the Share of Cotton in U.S. Total Fiber Consumption, 1976-1985
John Lawler |
Current Structure of Global Cotton Trade
Robert Skinner |