The Cotton Foundation

The Cotton Foundation

Major activities carried out during 2007.

During their 2007 Producer Information Exchange tour on the Texas High Plains, these Arizona and California cotton producers were guided by NCC Member Services representative Rick King, second from left.
Cotton Foundation membership remained solid with 68 members as of July 1, 2007, the beginning of the 2007-08 Foundation fiscal year. The member firms' dues provide full support for 25 general research and education projects approved by the Foundation’s Research Screening Committee. Investments and Washington building rental income also provided a small portion of the funding for these projects. In addition, five other general projects are being funded from 2006-07 contingency funds and miscellaneous contributions ($54,800).

These projects are addressing needs that range from managing pests such as reniform nematodes, pink bollworm and tarnished plant bugs to finding ways to improve/preserve fiber quality. The U.S. cotton industry is enjoying a healthy return on investment from these efforts. NCC staff estimates that taking into account cash and in-kind services, the Foundation’s general projects enjoy a return of about $3 for every dollar devoted to these projects.

Special projects continued to fill important niches, especially in the education/information dissemination arena. Included in these projects is the multiple-sponsor support of the Internet-accessible weed resistance learning module and the Multi-Commodity Education Program.

In addition, individual Foundation member firms continue to sponsor vital NCC communications vehicles, including the Cotton’s Week newsletter, AgDay Cotton’s Week and the Cotton eNews electronic newsletter.