About the Beltwide Cotton Seedling Disease Program

Details about how the program is funded and what the program objectives are.

Organization Conducting Program: The Cotton Foundation with the assistance of a grant from Bayer CropScience.

Program Commencement Date: 1995

Program Objectives: To build awareness among U.S. cotton producers of the economic impact of cotton seedling diseases and to:

  • Investigate the feasibility of developing a numerical rating system for growers to use to determine the need for chemical and/or cultural controls.

  • Provide information on seedling disease control measures including cultural practices, chemical usage, and improved seed quality.

  • Determine what chemicals growers are using and the methods of applications.

  • Determine where seedling diseases are problems.

  • Determine actual losses by seedling diseases by state.

  • Determine the effects of diseases on ... stand, plant health (lethal and sub-lethal), plant growth, earliness, photosynthesis-transpiration, root-uptake, DD 60s, and others.

  • Standardize methods for conducting and evaluating seedling diseases work.

  • Integrate all state/regional activities so that they can be utilized in the Gossym-Comax crop simulator program.

Cotton Producing States Represented: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia.

Frequency of Activity Reports: Information that is collected is summarized annually and reported.

Publication in 1996: Cotton Seedling Diseases Identification Card, 3-3/8" x 8-3/8" plastic laminated, with color photographs and descriptions of Rhizoctonia, Pythium, and Thielaviopsis.