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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Volume 20 / 2016

Issue 1 Table of Contents
pp. 01-07 Influence of Nitrogen and Mepiquat Chloride on Cotton Canopy Reflectance Measurements
William Foote, Keith Edmisten, Randy Wells, Guy Collins, Gary Roberson, David Jordan, and Loren Fisher
pp. 08-17 Cotton Response to Long-Term No-Tillage and Cover Cropping in the San Joaquin Valley
J.P. Mitchell, A. Shrestha, and D.S. Munk
pp. 18-25 Changing Optimal Nitrogen Levels in Cotton
Frederic B. Ouédraogo, B. Wade Brorsen, and D. Brian Arnall
pp. 26-30 Quantification of Dichlorvos Released from Kill Strips Used in Boll Weevil Eradication Programs
Charles P.-C. Suh, Jose L. Perez, Amy L. Berg, and John K. Westbrook
pp. 31-39 Relationships of Lint Yield and Fiber Quality with Ginning Rate and Net Ginning Energy in Upland Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.)
Efrem Bechere, Linghe Zeng, and Robert G. Hardin IV
pp. 40-45 Measuring Maturity in Cotton Cultivar Trials
Daryl T. Bowman, Fred Bourland, and Vasu Kuraparthy
pp. 46-55 Effect of the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) on Cotton Markets of Turkey and the World
Deepayan Debnath, Wyatt Thompson, Michael Helmar, and Turgut Orman
pp. 56-66 Analysis of Returns above Variable Costs for Management of Verticillium Wilt in Cotton
T. A. Wheeler, J. P. Bordovsky, J. W. Keeling, J. G. Smith, and J. E. Woodward
pp. 67-75 Site-Specific Relationships between Cotton Root Rot and Soil Properties
C. D. Cribben, J. A. Thomasson, Y. Ge, C. L. S. Morgan, C. Yang, T. Isakeit, and R. L. Nichols
pp. 76-85 Residual Weed Control in Cotton with Fluridone
Zachary T. Hill, Jason K. Norsworthy, L. Tom Barber, and Edward Gbur
pp. 86-93 Glufosinate Rate and Timing for Control of Glyphosate-Resistant Rhizomatous Johnsongrass ([[em]]Sorghum halepense[[/em]]) in Glufosinate-Resistant Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]])
Randall L. Landry, Daniel O. Stephenson IV, and Brandi C. Woolam
"Gerald O. Myers, Editor-in-Chief"
Issue Editors
Issue 2 Table of Contents
pp. 95-102 Long-Term Cotton Yield Impacts from Cropping Rotations and Biocovers under No-Tillage
Amanda J. Ashworth, Fred L. Allen, Arnold M. Saxton, and Donald D. Tyler
pp. 103-115 Ability of Cotton on the Texas High Plains to Compensate for Pre-bloom Square Loss and Impact on Yield and Fiber Quality
David L. Kerns, Dan D. Fromme, Brant A. Baugh, and Tommy Doederlein
pp. 116-124 Evaluation of Foliar Applications of Strobilurin Fungicides in Cotton across the Southern United States
J.E. Woodward, D.M. Dodds, C.L. Main, L.T. Barber, R.K. Boman, J.R. Whitaker, K.L. Edmisten, J.C. Banks, N.W. Buehring, and T.W. Allen
pp. 125-131 Impact of Heterozygosity and Heterogeneity on Cotton ([[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.) Lint Yield Stability: II. Lint Yield Components
Clay B. Cole, Daryl T. Bowman, Freddie M. Bourland, William D. Caldwell, B. Todd Campbell, Dawn E. Fraser, and David B. Weaver
pp. 132-144 Comparative Phenotypic Analysis of [[em]]Gossypium raimondii[[/em]] with Upland Cotton
Hee Jin Kim, Yongliang Liu, Michael K. Dowd, James Frelichowski, Christopher D. Delhom, James E. Rodgers, Devron P. Thibodeaux
pp. 145-153 Transgressive Segregation in an Acala Glanded × Acala Glandless Hybrid Population for the Development of Glandless Cotton Germplasm
Jinfa Zhang, Robert Flynn, Omololu J. Idowu, Tom Wedegaertner, and S. E. Hughs
pp. 154-154 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK (2016 REVISED EDITION)[[/font]][[BR]]
Sidney E. Hughs
pp. 155-158 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK (2016 REVISED EDITION)[[/font]][[BR]]Gin Management
Dwayne Alford, Robert “Bobby” Greene, Jimmy Roppolo, and Harrison Ashley
pp. 159-162 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK (2016 REVISED EDITION)[[/font]][[BR]]Federal Labor Laws
Harrison Ashley, Dennis Findley Jr., and Tony Williams
pp. 163-178 [[font color="ff0000"]]COTTON GINNERS HANDBOOK (2016 REVISED EDITION)[[/font]][[BR]]Cotton Gin Regulatory Issues
Phillip Wakelyn and Kelley Green
Issue Editors
Issue 3 Table of Contents
pp. 179-194 In-Season Cotton Drought-Stress Quantification: Previous Approaches and Future Directions
Tyson B. Raper, Derrick M. Oosterhuis, and Edward M. Barnes
pp. 195-195 [[font color="ff0000"]]Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton[[/font]][[BR]]
John L. Snider
pp. 196-206 [[font color="ff0000"]]Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton[[/font]][[BR]]The Role of Temperature on the Diurnal Sucrose Source to Sink Balance
Toby R. FitzSimons, and Derrick M. Oosterhuis
pp. 207-219 [[font color="ff0000"]]Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton[[/font]][[BR]]Ozone Impacts on Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
David A. Grantz
pp. 220-231 [[font color="ff0000"]]Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton[[/font]][[BR]]Effects of Chilling Temperatures on Photosynthesis
A. Scott Holaday, James R. Mahan, and Paxton Payton
pp. 232-236 [[font color="ff0000"]]Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton[[/font]][[BR]]Carbon Allocation in Cotton Grown in CO[[sub]]2[[/sub]] Enriched Environments
Jack Mauney
pp. 237-245 [[font color="ff0000"]]Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton[[/font]][[BR]]Cotton Photosynthetic Regulation through Nutrient and Water Availability
W.T. Pettigrew
pp. 246-252 [[font color="ff0000"]]Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton[[/font]][[BR]]The Use of Obsolete and Modern Cultivars to Examine Advances in Yield and Dry Matter Partitioning
Randy Wells
pp. 253-262 Heat-tolerance in Cotton Is Correlated with Induced Overexpression of Heat-Shock Factors, Heat-Shock Proteins, and General Stress Response Genes
Jin Zhang, Vibha Srivastava, James McD. Stewart, Jamie Underwood
pp. 263-270 Emergence Date Influences Growth and Fecundity of Palmer Amaranth in Cotton
Jason K. Norsworthy, Brandon W. Schrage, Tom L. Barber, and Lauren M. Schwartz
pp. 271-279 Effect of Shading, Cultivar, and Application Timing on Cotton Tolerance to Glufosinate
Jason K. Norsworthy, Brandon W. Schrage, Tom L. Barber, and Lauren M. Schwartz
Issue Editors
Issue 4 Table of Contents
pp. 280-293 Leaf Pubescence and Defoliation Strategy Influence on Cotton Defoliation and Fiber Quality
Seth A. Byrd, Guy D. Collins, Keith L. Edmisten, Phillip M. Roberts, John L. Snider, Todd A. Spivey, Jared R. Whitaker, Wesley M. Porter, and A. Stanley Culpepper
pp. 294-298 SHORT COMMUNICATION[[br]]Soil Properties Under Cotton-Corn Rotations in Australian Cotton Farms
Nilantha R. Hulugalle, Bruce McCorkell, Viliami F. Heimoana, and Lloyd A. Finlay
pp. 299-308 Growth and Agronomic Performance of Cotton When Grown in Rotation with Soybean
W.T. Pettigrew, H.A. Bruns, and K.N. Reddy
pp. 309-319 Efficacy of Spinetoram Against Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Seedling Cotton, [[em]]Gossypium hirsutum[[/em]] L.
Melissa Willrich Siebert, Steve Nolting, James E. Dripps, Larry C. Walton, Don R. Cook, Scott Stewart, Jeff Gore, Angus L. Catchot, Gus Lorenz, B. Rogers Leonard, Ames Herbert
pp. 320-329 Relationships of Yield Component Variables to Yield and Fiber Quality Parameters
Frank E. Groves, Freddie M. Bourland, and Don C. Jones
pp. 330-340 Major Leaf Shapes of Cotton: Genetics and Agronomic Effects in Crop Production
Ryan J. Andres, Daryl T. Bowman, Don C. Jones, and Vasu Kuraparthy
pp. 341-355 Influence of Row Spacing, Herbicide Technology, and Tillage on Fiber Quality and Economic Returns
Leah M. Duzy, Kipling S. Balkcom, and Andrew J. Price
pp. 356-366 Evaluating Newly Designed Lint Cleaner Grid Bars to Remove Seed Coat Fragments
Carlos B. Armijo, Christopher D. Delhom, Derek P. Whitelock, Sidney E. Hughs, and Marvis N. Gillum
pp. 367-374 Physical Processing and Emission Characteristics of Firelogs from Cotton Ginning Byproducts
Dilpreet S. Bajwa, Sreekala G. Bajwa, Tom C. Wedegaertner, and Greg A. Holt
pp. 375-385 Removal of Sheet Plastic Materials from Seed Cotton Using a Cylinder Cleaner
Robert G. Hardin IV, and Richard K. Byler
pp. 386-393 Harvester-based Sensing System for Cotton Fiber Quality Mapping
Vincent P. Schielack III, J. Alex Thomasson, and Ruixiu Sui
pp. 394-402 Integrating Fluridone into a Glufosinate-based Program for Palmer Amaranth Control in Cotton
Lewis R. Braswell, Charles W. Cahoon Jr., Richard W. Seagroves, David L. Jordan, and Alan C. York
Issue Editors