Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
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The diurnal fluctuations of carbon from its assimilation within the leaves, its export into the phloem, and its use in sink tissues has been studied in its individual parts for quite some time. In cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), the majority of the research concerning diurnal sucrose flux in response to temperature is for the most part greater than a quarter century in age, well before the introduction of modern cultivars. Additionally, diurnal research is lacking of any significant examination of any particular temperature profiles, making it difficult to compare responses from one treatment to another. This summary of research focuses on the diurnal flux occurring from both the source and the sink with special attention on four specific temperature profiles; low night temperatures, high night temperatures, low day temperatures, and high day temperatures. Due to the lack of suitable information inherent in some areas, information from other species was used as needed. It is the authors’ intent that temperature dependent diurnal flux should be reexamined as modern cultivars continue to be developed.