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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Issue 2 Table of Contents

Family of lines (Part I; Montalvo) collapses into a single line (Part II; Montalvo and Von Hoven) with a new plotting model of the relationship among maturity ratio, fineness, and perimeter.


Textile Technology
Relationships Between Micronaire, Fineness, and Maturity. Part I. Fundamentals
Joseph G. Montalvo Jr.
Pages: 81-88

Family of lines (Part I; Montalvo) collapses into a single line (Part II; Montalvo and Von Hoven) with a new plotting model of the relationship among maturity ratio, fineness, and perimeter.

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
Soil Calcium: Magnesium Ratios and Lime Recommendations for Cotton
Gene Stevens, Tina Gladbach, Peter Motavalli, David Dunn
Pages: 65-71

Engineering and Ginning
Changes in Bale Moisture, Thickness, and Force Due to Changing Environments and Bagging
W. Stanley Anthony
Pages: 72-80

Textile Technology
Relationships Between Micronaire, Fineness, and Maturity. Part I. Fundamentals
Joseph G. Montalvo Jr.
Pages: 81-88

Textile Technology
Relationships Between Micronaire, Fineness, and Maturity. Part II. Experimental
Joseph G. Montalvo Jr., Terri M. Von Hoven
Pages: 89-96

Textile Technology
The Impact of Carding Micro-climate on Cotton Moisture Content and Fiber and Yarn Quality
David D. McAlister III, David T.W. Chun, Gary R. Gamble, Luther C. Godbey, Dean R. Cobb, Everett E. Backe
Pages: 97-101

Weed Science
Control of Volunteer Glyphosate-resistant Soybean in Cotton
Alan C. York, Josh B. Beam, A. Stanley Culpepper
Pages: 102-109

Weed Science
Response of Glyphosate-resistant Cotton to Pre-harvest Glyphosate Application
Alexander M. Stewart, Alan C. York, A. Stanley Culpepper, P. Roy Vidrine
Pages: 110-114