Update of the Cotton Genome Mapping
John Yu and Russell J. Kohel |
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Addition of New Markers to the Trispecific Cotton Map
M. Altaf Khan, G. O. Myers, J. McD. Stewart, J. Zhang and R. G. Cantrell |
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Segregation for Gus Gene in Transgenic Cotton
Carmen McCutcheon and O.L. May |
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Pollination Studies after Transgeneic Production - a Search for Recombination in Nectariless Genotype
Claude Rhyne and William L. Tietjen, Jr. |
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Analysis of Gossypol and Related Terpenoids in Antisense Transgenic Cotton Plants
K. S. Rathore and R. D. Stipanovic |
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Analysis of Transgenic Cotton and Tobacco Expressing Lytic Peptide Genes
Jeffrey W. Cary, Kanniah Rajasekaran, Kurt Stromberg and Thomas E. Cleveland |
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A Novel Nonheme Haloperoxidase Gene for Disease Resistance in Transgenic Cotton and Tobacco
Kanniah Rajasekaran, Jeffrey W. Cary, Thomas J. Jacks, Thomas E. Cleveland and Kurt Stromberg |
446 |
Oviposition, Growth, and Development of Sweet Potato Whitefly Bemesia Tabaci (Genn) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) on Transgenic Tobacco
T.Y. Li, M. Harris, C. Nessler, J. Gould and W. Smith |
446 |
Analysis of Semigamy Expression in Cotton (Gossypium Barbadense)
Zhang Jinfa, James McD. Stewart and R. B. Turley |
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Introgression of PIMA into Upland
L.I. Decanini, C.W. Smith, A.H. Paterson and C.X. Jiang |
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Allelic and Linkage Analyses of the CMS-D8 Restorer Gene of Cotton
James McD. Stewart, Jinfa Zhang and Gwen Coyle |
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Molecular Mapping of CMS-D8 Restoration and Gene Expression Specific to D8 Restoration
Jinfa Zhang, James McD. Stewart and Rickie B. Turley |
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Genetic Association among Yield and Fruiting Traits in F2Hybrid Cotton
Russell W. Hayes, Johnie N. Jenkins and Jack C. McCarty |
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Hybrids Produced Very Economically with Transgenic Cotton
J. B. Weaver, Jr. |
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Progress Report on Hybrid Cotton
R. F. Holland and C. G. Cook |
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Cross-Pollination in Cotton Winter Nurseries
Bruce E. Greenhagen and Laval M. Verhalen |
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Long Term Study of Cross-Pollination in Oklahoma Cotton
Laval M. Verhalen, Bruce E. Greenhagen and J. W. Simmons |
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Costs of Producing Cotton in the World
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
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U. S. Upland Cotton: Beltwide and Mid South Yield Trends, 1960 - 1998
Hal Lewis Enterprises and Preston Sasser |
458 |
Effects of 1998 Drought on Lint Development in Seven Genotypes at College Station, Texas
Chris Braden and C. W. Smith |
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Generation Mean Analysis of Fiber Quality Traits
A. Tawhid and G.O. Myers |
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Sampling Issues for Cotman Data Collection
Mark Cochran, Kieth Vodrazka, N. P. Tugwell, Diana Danforth and Sha Mi |
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Agronomic Information System: a Program for Managing Cotton Variety Trials
L. J. Zelinski, D. Harmon, M. Bates, K. Lege, D. Albers and K. Alexander |
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Performance of Early-maturing Transgenic Varieties in the Southeast
W.H. McCoy, S.G. Wilson and K.E. Legé |
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Deltapine Bollgard and Roundup-Ready Cotton Varietal Response in Israel
J. Spense, G. Forer, A. Nir, B. Rubin, H.Yasour, A. Levi and M. Sibony |
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Evaluation of Transgenic Versus Conventional Varieties
D. Eddie McGriff and Steve M. Brown |
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Performance of Early Conventional Strains in the Coastal Region of Texas
James C. Bosch, Ken E. Legé and Bob Bridge |
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Commercial Performance of Fibermax Varieties – 1998
L. Rivenbark, R. Bettison, F. Strachan and Jane Dever |
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Agronomic Trial Results on Fibermax Varieties- 1998
T. Lane Smith, W. Fred Strachan, Phil Odom, Lee Rivenbark and Jane Dever |
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Genetic Diversity in Recent MAR Cotton Germplasm
Kamal M. El-Zik and Peggy M. Thaxton |
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Superior New MAR Cotton Germplasm For Drought, Productivity and Quality
Peggy M. Thaxton and Kamal M. El-Zik |
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Release of DES 607 and Licensing of H10-35-05
J. B. Creech, R. R. Bridge and D. S. Calhoun |
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Bronze Wilt in the 1998 Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials
J. B. Creech |
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Effects of Mechanical Topping of Cotton When Timed by Cutout
G. M. Palmer, F. M. Bourland and N.R. Benson |
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Comparative Performance of Breeding Lines in Australia and the Delta
W. N. Stiller and J. J. Gwyn |
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Combining Ability for Yield and Earliness of PIMA X Egyptian Cotton Cultivars Crosses
A. M. A. Abdalla, A. A. Abou-El-Zahab and S. R. H. Radwan |
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Deltapine Seed Ultra Narrow Row Cotton Evaluation of DP 425RR, DP 436RR, DP5415RR, DP 458B/RR and DP 5111 in Mississippi
Jim Presley |
477 |
Performance of Deltapine Seed Bollgard(TM) Cotton Varities in the North Delta
Jim Presley, R. Smith, K. Welch, L. Dill and Q. Zaunbrecher |
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Performance Summary of Bollgard(TM) Cotton Varieties Across the South Delta of Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi
H. Smith, C. Bowlin, M. Martien, L. Shaw, J. R. Sims, B. Posey, K. Welch and Q. Zaunbrecher |
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Molecular Marker Based Genetic Analysis of QTLS Using Recombinant Inbred Lines in Cotton
H. Tan, J. X. Wu, S. Saha, J. N. Jenkins, J. C. McCarty and R. G. Cantrell |
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DNA Variation in Ten Influential Upland Cotton Varieties by RAPDS
Huangjun Lu and Gerald O. Myers |
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Isolation of Total RNA from Embryogenic and Non-Embryogenic Cotton Callus for Gene Expression Studies
M. Altaf Khan, G. O. Myers, H. J. Kim and B. A. Triplett |
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Characterization of 79 Converted Race Stocks of Upland Cotton
Zeki Nasirci and C. Wayne Smith |
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Variation among Cotton Cultivars for the Number of Fiber Initials Per Seed
G.A. Van Esbroeck, D.T. Bowman, J. Van't Hof, G. M. Jividen |
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Breeding Naturally Pigmented Cotton with High Fiber Quality
Robert G. McDaniel |
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Development of Stress Tolerant Upland Cotton Germplasm with High Quality Fiber
Robert G. McDaniel |
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Genetic Improvement of Yield, Yield Components, and Agronomic Characteristics of PIMA Cotton: 1949-1991
H. S. Moser and R. G. Percy |
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Silverleaf Whitefly and Reniform Nematode Effects on Seed Quality and Stand Establishment
C. G. Cook, A. F. Robinson and D. A. Wolfenbarger |
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Response of Cotton Cultivars to Silverleaf Whitefly and its Relation to Yield, in Yaqui Valley Sonora, México
Arturo Hernández-Jasso and Juan J. Pacheco-Covarrubias |
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Median Life of Siverleaf Whitefly in Cotton Cultivars
Juan José Pacheco-Covarrubias and Arturo Hernández-Jasso |
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Response of Cotton to DROPP(R) Ultra in Yaqui Valley Sonora, México
Arturo Hernández-Jasso and Javier Gutiérrez-Zamorán |
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Effects of Glyphosate on Yield and Earliness of Roundup Ready(TM) Cotton
A. S. Godoy, A. L. E. Moreno and C. E. A. Garcia |
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Response of Nucotn 33(B) in Yaqui Valley Sonora, México. 1997-98
Arturo Hernández-Jasso and Juan J. Pacheco-Covarrubias |
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BT Cotton Performance Under Different Management Practices
T. G. Teague, A. Beach, N. P. Tugwell and J. Hornbeck |
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1998 Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials
J. B. Creech, T. P. Wallace, J. R. Johnson, D. M. Ingra and N. W. Buehring |
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New Crop for Pennsylvania: Gossypium hirsutum L. Research for Improved Fiber Strength, Shortened Growing Season, and Increase Wax Content
P. S. Leonhard |
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The Influence of VIR Genes on Stable T-DNA Integration in Cotton Shoot Apices
B.-M. Lee, S.H. Park, M. Srivatanakul and R.H. Smith |
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CIRAD Strategy for Cotton Breeding in Tropical Countries
B. Hau and C. Pannetier |
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