52nd Annual Conference Report on Cotton Insect Research and Control
D. D. Hardee and G. A. Herzog |
757 |
Highlights of the 52nd Annual Cotton Insect Research and Control Conference
G. A. Herzog, D. D. Hardee and M. R. Williams |
784 |
Cotton Insect Losses 1998
Michael R. Williams |
785 |
Cotton Insect Loss Estimates - 1998
Michael R. Williams |
807 |
Boll Weevil Eradication: Beltwide Status and Future Outlook
Bill Grefenstette |
809 |
Boll Weevil Eradication Program Update - Southeast and Midsouth Zones
Jim Brumley |
814 |
Insect Management in Mid-South Eradication Zones: A Progress Report
M.B. Layton, R.D. Bagwell and R.W. Seward |
816 |
Boll Weevil Eradication Update - Texas, 1998
Osama El-Lissy, Lindy Patton, Danny Kiser, Ray Frisbie, Tom Fuchs, Don Rummel, Roy Parker, Jeff Slosser, Don Dippel, J.R. Coppedge, Gary Cunningham, Frank Carter, James Boston and Jack Hayes |
818 |
Insect Management in the Texas Eradication Zones: A Progress Report
Thomas W. Fuchs |
824 |
The Boll Weevil Problem on the High Plains of Texas and Eastern New Mexico
J. F. Leser and R. K. Haldenby |
828 |
Post Eradication Insect Control: Was it Worth It?
Phillip Roberts |
832 |
Development of a Computerized Expert System as a Management Tool for Boll Weevil Eradication
Osama El-Lissy and John Moschos |
834 |
Use of Pheromone Trapping Data to Evaluate Boll Weevil Eradication in the Southern Rolling Plains of Texas
Thomas W. Fuchs, Richard Minzenmayer and Christopher Sansone |
838 |
Impact of Boll Weevil Eradication in the Southern Rolling Plains of Texas at the Field Level
C.G. Sansone, R.R. Minzenmayer and T.W. Fuchs |
840 |
Economic Evaluation of Cultivar, Row Spacing, and Insecticides for Boll Weevil Management
J. E. Slosser, D. G. Bordovsky and S. J. Bevers |
842 |
Influence of Boll Weevil Eradication on Aphid Populations in Mississippi Cotton
M.B. Layton, J.L. Long and Don Steinkraus |
845 |
Emergence, Movement, and Pollen Feeding of Boll Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Mississippi Delta
D. D. Hardee, G. D. Jones and L. C. Adams |
848 |
Pesticide Usage in Arizona: 1995-1997
G.K. Agnew, P. B. Baker and W. Sherman |
859 |
Historical Perspective and Future Costs of Keeping Key Cotton Insecticides in the Market
R. J. Braun |
865 |
Status of Bollworm, Helicoverpa Zea, Susceptiblilty to Pyrethroids: IRAC-US 1998 Update
S. H. Martin, R. D. Bagwell, M. L. Boyd, B. L. Freeman, G. A. Herzog, D. R. Johnson, M. B. Layton, B. R. Leonard, N. Liu, G. T. Payne, P. V. Pietrantonio, M. E. Roof, M. J. Sullivan, J. W. Van Duyn and J. R. Weeks |
867 |
Status of Insecticide Resistance in Tobacco Budworm and Bollworm in Louisiana During 1998
R. D. Bagwell, D. C. Cook, J. J. Adamczyk, B. R. Leonard and S. Micinski |
872 |
Five Years of Vial Testing on a County-Wide Basis for Bollworm and Budworm Resistance to Tracer, Pyrethroids, and Curacron in Ahley County, Arkansas
Kenneth R. Williams |
878 |
Mechanisms of Resistance to Organophosphate Insecticides in the Tobacco Budworm, Heliothis Virescens
John Harold and Jim Ottea |
880 |
Studies of Resistance of Beet Armyworm (Spodoptera Exigua) to Spinosad in Field Populations from the Southern USA and Southeast Asia
J. K. Moulton, D. A. Pepper and T. J. Dennehy |
884 |
Analysis of Organophosphorus and Carbamate Insecticide Resistance in the Beet Armyworm Spodoptera Exigua (Hubner)
Frank J. Byrne, Jianlong Bi and Nick C. Toscano |
887 |
Potential of Boll Weevil Reproduction on Cienfuegosia Drummondii in South Texas
R. J. Coleman, R. D. Parker, D.L. Drawe and K. Mount |
889 |
Effect of Boll Weevil on the Yield and Fiber Quality on the South Plains of Texas
J. S. Armstrong, D. L. Auld, E. Bechere, M. D. Ethridge, E. F. Hequet and D. R. Rummel |
891 |
Identification of Boll Weevil Overwintering Habitat with Remote Sensing
Mary P. Maret and Donald R. Johnson |
894 |
Effect of Habitat and Temperature on Boll Weevil Overwinter Survival in Arkansas
D. R. Johnson, M.P. Maret and L.M. Page |
896 |
Seasonal Foraging Resources of Mississippi Boll Weevils
G. D. Jones, J. R. Coppedge, E. F. Wilson and D. D. Hardee |
899 |
Tarnished Plant Bug and Boll Weevil Control Trials in the Mississippi Delta
J. T. Robbins, F. A. Harris and R. E. Furr |
901 |
Initial and Residual Toxicity of Boll Weevil Attract and Control Tube in the Lower Rio Grande Valley and Brazos Valley of Texas - Spring and Fall, 1998
D. A. Wolfenbarger, C. L. Cole and J. C. Plato |
904 |
BWACT Product Improvements and QC/QA Implementation in 1998 For Expanded Utilization in Commercial and US Boll Weevil Eradication Programs
Thomas A. Plato, James C. Plato and J. Scott Plato |
907 |
Silverleaf Whitefly Colonization and Leaf Shape and Vascular Bundles Relationships in Cotton
C. C. Chu, A. C. Cohen, E. T. Natwick, G. S. Simmons and T. J. Henneberry |
909 |
Comparative Influence of Cotton on Whitefly Species and Parasitoids
S. M. Greenberg, Walker A. Jones, and W. C. Warfield |
911 |
Control of Silverleaf Whitefly with the Neem Product Azadirachtin as Bollwhip in Upland Cotton in Arizona
D.H. Akey and T.J Henneberry |
914 |
New Insecticides for Control of Silverleaf Whitefly: an Efficacy Evaluation
Eric T. Natwick |
919 |
Effect of Insect Clip Cages on Photosynthesis of Cotton and Cantaloupes
S. J. Crafts-Brandner and C. C. Chu |
921 |
Field-Based, Degree-Day Model for Spiny Bollworm Earis Insulana Development
A. A. Hamed Amin and M. E. Foda |
923 |
Bollgard Cotton: Recent Developments from Lab to Marketplace
John Greenplate, Walt Mullins, Joe Huesing, Tom Malvar, Saku Sivasupramaniam, Graham Head, Zach Shappley and John Purcell |
925 |
Overproduction of the Cry2A Bt Protein in Tobacco Chloroplasts Confers Plant Resistance to Susceptible and Bt-Resistant Tobacco Budworm, Cotton Bollworm and Beet Armyworm
M. Kota, H. Daniell, S. Varma, S. F. Garczynski, W. J. Moar and F. Gould |
926 |
Assay Kit for Species and Insecticide Resistance Diagnosis for Tobacco Budworm and Bollworm in Cotton
R. M. Roe, W. D. Bailey, G. Zhao, H. P. Young, L. M. Carter, F. Gould, C. E. Sorenson, G. G. Kennedy and J. S. Bacheler |
926 |
Performance of Selected Bt Cotton Genotypes Against Bollworm in North Carolina
T. Burd, J. R. Bradley, Jr. and J. W. Van Duyn |
931 |
The Efficacy of Different Insecticides and Rates Against Bollworms (LepidoPtera: Noctuidae) in B.t. and Conventional Cotton
D. S. Brickle, S. G. Turnipseed and M. J. Sullivan |
934 |
Status of Monitoring for Tolerance to CryIAc in Populations of Helicoverpa Zea and Heliothis Virescens: Three-year Summary
D. V. Sumerford, D. D. Hardee, L. C. Adams and W. L. Solomon |
936 |
Responses of a Bt Cotton Cultivar (DP NuCOTN 33b) to Selected Levels of Boll Injury
J. Gore, B. R. Leonard, J. S. Russell, J. H. Fife, G. E. Church and J. J. Adamczyk |
939 |
Performance of Bt Cotton in Mississippi, 1998
M.B. Layton, S.D. Stewart, M.R. Williams and J.L. Long |
942 |
Distribution of Heliothine Larvae in B.t. and Non-B.t. Cotton in Texas
Patricia V. Pietrantonio and Kevin Heinz |
945 |
Ecology and Biology of Cotton Bollworm in Reference to Modeling Bt Resistance Development in a Bt Cotton / Bt Corn System
Nicholas P. Storer, Fred Gould, George G. Kennedy and John W. Van Duyn |
949 |
Evolution of Region-Wide Resistance in Cotton Bollworm to Bt Cotton as Influenced by Bt Corn: Identification of Key Factors Through Computer Simulation
Nicholas P. Storer, Fred Gould, George G. Kennedy, Steven L. Peck and John W. Van Duyn |
952 |
The Effects of Over Sprays on Bt Cotton
Duren E. Bell, Greg Slaughter, Phillip M. Roberts, Charles E. Ellis, Larry Willingham and Tom Cary |
956 |
Economics of Bollgard Versus Non-Bollgard Cotton in 1998
J. W. Mullins and J. M. Mills |
958 |
Insect Management Strategies in Bollgard Cotton in the Southeast
D.L. Pitts, W.M. Braxton and J.W. Mullins |
961 |
Responses of Tobacco Budworm Populations from Mexico to Bt Cry IA(c) Toxin
José L. Martínez Carrillo and Mariano Berdegue |
965 |
Bolligard Gen, Cotton as an Alternative for IPM in Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico
Arturo Javier Obando-Rodriquex, Juvencio Gonzalea Garcia, Jesus Miguel Olivas Garica, Jose Eduardo Magana Magana and Alfredo Martinez Garcia |
967 |
Compensation from Systematic Square Removal by Virginia Cotton
D. Ames Herbert, Jr. and A. Ozzie Abaye |
968 |
Potential of Nectariless Cotton in Today's Cotton Production System
W. D. Platt and S. D. Stewart |
971 |
Influence of Row Spacing and Tillage Upon Western Flower Thrips and Tobacco Thrips in Cotton
Henry M. Harris, W.K. Vencill and J. N. All |
974 |
The Impact of Thrips on Cotton Productivity: What a Difference a Year Makes
Joel Faircloth, J.R. Bradley, Jr. and John Van Duyn |
976 |
A Survey of Thrips Populations on Seedling Cotton in Louisiana
D. R. Cook, E. Burris and B. R. Leonard |
979 |
Thrips Tolerance on Selected Cotton Cultivars
M. W. Fairbanks, D. R. Johnson and T. J. Kring |
980 |
Early-Season Insect Controls: Herbicide Effects on Efficacy, Plant Development and Yield in Roundup Ready Cotton
Gary L. Lentz and Nancy B. Van Tol |
981 |
Early Season Pest Management in Cotton with Roundup Ultra-Insecticide Combinations
J. H. Pankey, B. R. Leonard, J. L. Griffin and R. W. Costello |
981 |
Risk Assessment Models to Predict Dynamics of Pink Bollworm in the Southeastern US
R.C. Venette and W.D. Hutchison |
983 |
Area-Wide Management/Maximum Suppression of Pink Bollworm in Southern California
R. Staten, M. Walters, R. Roberson and S. Birdsall |
985 |
Preliminary Analysis of Pink Bollworm Population Distributions in a Large Acreage of Genetically Engineered Cotton with Regard to Resistance Management
M. Walters, R. Staten, R. Sequeira and T. Dennehy |
989 |
Status of Pink Bollworm Susceptibility to Bt in Arizona
A.L. Patin, T.J. Dennehy, M.A. Sims, B.E. Tabashnik, Yong-Biao Liu, L. Antilla, D. Gouge, T.J. Henneberry and R. Staten |
991 |
On-Plant Distribution of Diapausing Pink Bollworm Larvae
R. Friesen, W. Multer and M. Muegge |
996 |
Pink Bollworm Diapause Patterns in West Texas
R. Friesen, W. Multer, C. Payne and M. Muegge |
998 |
Deltapine Bollgard Variety Response to the Israeli Pest Complex
J. Spenser, G. Forer and A. Niv |
1000 |
Screening for Resistance in Cotton Genotypes to Aphis Gossypii Glover, the Cotton Aphid
B. Reed, J. Gannaway, D. R. Rummel and H. G. Thorvilson |
1002 |
Interaction of Cotton Aphid Population Dynamics and Cotton Fertilization Regime in California Cotton
L. D. Godfrey, K. Keillor, R. B. Hutmacher and J. Cisneros |
1008 |
Biotic Suppression of the Cotton Aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae) in the Georgia Coastal Plain
Lenny Wells, John R. Ruberson, Robert M. McPherson and Gary A. Herzog |
1011 |
Cultural Practices Affecting the Abundance of Cotton Aphids and Beet Armyworms in Dryland Cotton
M. N. Parajulee, J. E. Slosser and D. G. Bordovsky |
1014 |
Evaluation of Fulfill(R) 50wg (Pymetrozine) for Cotton Aphid Control in 1998 Field Trials
J. Scott Ferguson, John P. Koenig, Stephen M. White, Dennis M. Dunbar and D. Scott Lawson |
1016 |
Spider Mites in Arkansas: Wild Host Plants and Chemical Control
Don Steinkraus, Jon Zawislak, Gus Lorenz, III and Jeff Welch |
1019 |
Early Detection of Spider Mites in Cotton Using Multispectral Remote Sensing
G. J. Fitzgerald, S. J. Maas and W. R. DeTar |
1022 |
Male Attraction to a Natural Spider Mite Sex Pheromone (Acari: Tetranychidae)
F.K. El-Duweini, Z.R. Sawires and S.A.A. Amer |
1024 |
Cotton Bollworm Control in Xinjiang in 1997-1998
C.F. Sheng |
1026 |
Lepidopteran Pests in Northeast Louisiana Cotton During 1997-98: A Summary of Selected Tests
B. R. Leonard, K. Torrey, J. H. Fife, J. Gore, S. Russell and S. Hall |
1028 |
Pest Fluctuations and Trends in North Carolina Cotton
J. S. Bacheler |
1028 |
Uncommon Pests of Cotton in Northeast Louisiana
E. Burris, B.R. Leonard and D.R. Cook |
1032 |
Insecticidal Control of Aphids and Boll Weevils in Missouri - 1998
Michael L. Boyd and Jeff House |
1032 |
Observations of Emerging Pests in Low Spray Environments
Phillip Roberts |
1034 |
Insecticidal Efficacy Against a Complex of Fall and Beet Armyworms and Soybean Looper in South Carolina Cotton
M. J. Sullivan, S. G. Turnipseed and D. Robinson |
1034 |
Stink Bugs in Cotton: Feeding and Injury Observations
G. R. Lee, P. Roberts and M. A. Abney |
1036 |
Stink Bugs on Cotton: A Temporal Occurrence
C. S. Bundy, R. M. McPherson and G. A. Herzog |
1038 |
Management of Stink Bugs Using Symptoms of Boll Injury as a Monitoring Tool
J. K. Greene and G. A. Herzog |
1041 |
Influence of Boll Age on Susceptibility to Tarnished Plant Bug Injury
T. O. Horn, F. A. Harris, J. T. Robbins and R. E. Furr, Jr. |
1044 |
Cotton Boll Abscission Influenced by Tarnished Plant Bug Feeding
J. S. Russell, B. R. Leonard, J. Gore and G. E. Church |
1046 |
Reservoir Strip Plantings in Tarnished Plant Bug Research
R.E. Furr, Jr., F.A. Harris and J.T. Robbins |
1048 |
Response of Tarnished Plant Bugs (Heteroptera: Miridae) to Traps Baited with Virgin Males or Females
G.L. Snodgrass and W.P. Scott |
1050 |
Effects of Five Different Adjuvants Added to Five Insecticides for Control of Tarnished Plant Bugs (Lygus lineolaris) in Mississippi Cotton
Michael S. Howell and Jack T. Reed |
1052 |
New Insecticides for Control of Cotton Fleahopper and Impact of Drought on Production
Roy D. Parker |
1055 |
Use of Alternate Hosts as a Trap for Tarnished Plant Bugs and a Refuge for Bt-Susceptible Tobacco Budworms
Chism Craig, Scott Stewart, Randy Luttrell, Jim Robbins and Gordon Snodgrass |
1056 |
Tarnished Plant Bug Control with Regent and Actara During 1997 and 1998 in Small Plot and Large Plot EUP Trials
W. P. Scott, G. L. Snodgrass and D. A. Adams |
1061 |
Plant Bug and Boll Weevil Control with REGENT(R) Under an EUP in Arkansas
J. D. Hopkins and C. B. Guy |
1064 |
Transgenic and Conventional Insect and Weed Control Systems
Charles T. Allen, Marwan S. Kharboutli, Kelly J. Bryant, Fred M. Bourland, Larry D. Earnest, Chuck Capps and George Palmer |
1065 |
Effect of Supplemental Insecticides Against Bollworm and Beet Armyworm on Bollgard: Enhanced Efficacy??
J. E. Mann and J. W. Mullins |
1068 |
Droplet Size and Spray Volume Effects on Cotton Canopy Penetration and Third Instar Heliothis Virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) Mortality
J. T. Reed and D. B. Smith |
1069 |
Earlier Cotton Harvest and Increased Yield with Dimilin(R) (Diflubenzuron)
R.T. Weiland |
1072 |
Differential Insecticidal Properties Exhibited Against Heliothine Species by Two Viral Vectors Encoding a Similar Chimeric Toxin Gene
M. F. Treacy, P. E. Rensner, J. N. All and A. White |
1076 |
Utilization of Recombinant Viral Biopesticides within a Cotton IPM Program
Kevin M. Heinz, Chad Smith, Richard Minzenmayer and J. Lindsey Flexner |
1083 |
New Insecticide Chemistry for Cotton IPM
J.W. Holloway, N.W. Forrester and B.R. Leonard |
1086 |
Ovicidal Research with Emamectin Benzoate Against Tobacco Budworm Eggs
Ngoan Ngo, Steve Moore, Scott Lawson and Stephen White |
1090 |
Mortality and Reproductive Effects of Ingested Tracer(R) on Adult Bollworm
J. D. Lopez, Jr. and M. A. Latheef |
1091 |
Outlook for Steward Insecticide in Southeast Arkansas
Marwan S. Kharboutli, Charles T. Allen, Chuck Capps and Larry Earnest |
1092 |
Capture 2EC: Efficacy on Cotton Arthropod Pests
H.R. Mitchell and L.D. Hatfield |
1095 |
Gaucho(R) Performance Under Extreme Envionmental Conditions and Different Soil Types
Charles Graham |
1098 |
Evaluation of Adage 5FS(TM) for Early-Season Insect Control
Nancy B. Van Tol and Gary L. Lentz |
1098 |
CRUISER(R)/ADAGE(TM) Performance Features of Thiamethoxam as a Seed Treatment in Worldwide Cotton
D. Hofer and F. Brandl |
1101 |
Adage(TM) (Thiamethoxam) Seed Treatment for Cotton
Larry Zang, Nyoan Ngo and Brad Minto |
1104 |
Actara(TM) 25 WG: Control of Cotton Pests with a New Neonicotinoid Insecticde, Thiamethoxam
D. S. Lawson, D. M. Dunbar, S. M. White and N. Ngo |
1106 |
A Beltwide Rating of Beneficial Insects
D. Eddie McGriff and John R. Ruberson |
1109 |
Consequences of Natural Enemy Disruption with Applications of "Hard" Insecticides Prior to the Bollworm Flight in Conventional and B.t. Cotton
S. G. Turnipseed and M. J. Sullivan |
1110 |
Natural Enemy Movement Between Adjacent Sorghum and Cotton Fields
Jarrad R. Prasifka, Kevin M. Heinz, Peter C. Krauter, Christopher G. Sansone and Richard R. Minzenmayer |
1112 |
The Economic Contribution of Beneficial Arthropods in a Cotton IPM Program
L. G. Peterson and R. K. Sprenkel |
1114 |
Effect of Surface Tillage on Population Dynamics of Beneficial Arthropods in Cotton
Gloria S. McCutcheon |
1117 |
The Beat Bucket: a Rapid, Reliable Method for Sampling Predatory Insects and Spiders in Cotton
Allen E. Knutson and W. Ted Wilson |
1120 |
True Spiders as a Biocontrol Agent for Controlling Spider Mites in Egypt
M.E. El-Naggar, M.A. Abd-El-Halim and A.A. Shoeib |
1125 |
Developmental Effects of Feeding Tobacco Budworm Larvae Salt-Tolerant Cotton Callus Tissue
B.J. Burden and K.V. Tindall |
1126 |
Evaluating Insect Management Strategies Using Yield Mapping
C. D. Parker, Jr, R. G. Luttrell and F. A. Harris |
1128 |
Validation of the Insecticide Termination Component of Cotman
N.R. Benson, W.C. Robertson, G.M. Lorenz and K.J. Bryant |
1133 |
Whole Farm Evaluation of the Bollman Component of Cotman
Jerry Sites, Kelly Bryant, Ray Benson, Bill Robertson and Gus Lorenz |
1136 |
Pest and Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in California Organic and Biointensive Cotton Fields: The "Basic" Experience
Sean L. Swezey and Polly Goldman |
1136 |
Droplet Deposition Pattern of Tracer (Spinosad) Applied with and Without Adjuvants
J.L. Murray, W.H. Hendrix, III, M. A. Benson and I.W. Kirk |
1141 |
Economics of a Tracer/Karate Z Conventional Cotton Program vs. Bt Cotton
M. A. Benson and W. H. Hendrix, III |
1143 |
Aerial Spray Deposition Characteristics of Tracer(TM) and Selected Adjuvants
I.W. Kirk, S.J. Harp and W.H. Hendrix |
1145 |
Temporal Degradation of ULV Malathion Under Field Conditions
W. Clint Hoffmann |
1148 |
Optimization of Fipronil Application
Joseph E. Mulrooney |
1150 |
Color the Boll Weevil Red: Penetrating the Body Wall with Spray Diluents
Robert G. Jones |
1151 |
Effect of Lepidopteran Damage and Weather to Cotton in Ten Irrigated Fields Following Malathion ULV Applications: Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas-1995
Robert G. Jones and Dan A. Wolfenbarger |
1152 |
Respiration Rates of Reproductively Active and Diapausing Boll Weevils
T. L. Wagner and E. J. Villavaso |
1155 |
Evaluations of Factitious Trap Crops for Use in Early and Late Season Boll Weevil Suppression Programs
K. R. Beerwinkle, J. R. Coppedge and T. M. O'Neil |
1158 |
Effect of Planting Date and Different Management Strategieson Boll Weevil Infestations and Lint Production Under Dryland Conditions in Oklahoma 1997 and 1998
Miles Karner, Jerry Goodson and A.L. Hutson |
1162 |
Observations of Boll Weevil Response to the BWACT
D. W. Spurgeon |
1165 |
Summary of Insecticide Performance for Boll Weevil (Anthonomus Grandis) Control in Arkansas Cotton
L. M. Page, D. R. Johnson, M. P. Maret and S. R. Amaden |
1168 |
Mississippi - Boll Weevil Pheromone Traplines - 1995 to 1998
Michael R. Williams |
1169 |
Bollworm and Budworm Moth Activity in the Texas Rolling Plains
E. P. Boring, M. N. Parajulee and J. E. Slosser |
1172 |
Characterization of a ‘Yellow-Eye' Mutant of Tobacco Budworm
Melissa Hasty and Greg Payne |
1175 |
Susceptibility of Field-Collected Populations of Tobacco Budworm and Cotton Bollworm to Various Insecticides; 1995-1998
Greg Payne, Melissa Hasty and Cheryl O'Meara |
1178 |
Impact of Baythroid, Guthion and Legend on Pest and Beneficial Arthropods in Cotton
Alton N. Sparks, Jr. and John W. Norman, Jr. |
1181 |
Toxicity of Thiodicarb and Spinosad to Soybean Looper in Cotton (cvs. NuCOTN 33b, DP 5415) and Soybean (cv. Buckshot 66)
T. S. Hall, D. J. Boethel and B. R. Leonard |
1184 |
Spider Mite Control in Southeast Arkansas
C.T. Allen, M.S. Kharboutli and L.D. Earnest |
1185 |
1998 Bollworm and Tobacco Budworm Control Studies
Marwan S. Kharboutli, Charles T. Allen, Chuck Capps and Larry Earnest |
1186 |
Relationship Between Days of Open Cotton Boll Exposure to Whitefly Populations and Development of Sticky Cotton
T. J. Henneberry, L. Forlow Jech, D. L. Hendrix, T. Steele and D. Brushwood |
1189 |
Thrips Control in Conventional and Ultra Narrow Row Cotton
Larry Earnest, Charles T. Allen, Marwan Kharboutli and Chuck Capps |
1193 |
Influence of Host Plant on Occlusion Body Production and Infectivity of a Baculovirus
M. Ibrahim Ali, S.Y. Young, G.W. Felton, T. Meade, D.A. Streett and R.W. McNew |
1196 |
Persistence of a Nucleopolyhedrovirus on Plant Surfaces
D. A. Streett, G. W. Felton and S. Y. Young |
1200 |
Tobacco as a Trap Crop for the Tobacco Buworm in Cotton
P. G. Tillman |
1201 |
Lethal and Sub-Lethal Effects of Selected Insecticides on Orius Insidiosus
G. E. Studebaker and T. J. Kring |
1203 |
Lethal and Sublethal Effects of Selected Insecticides and an IGR on the Boll Weevil Ectoparasitoid Catolaccus Grandis
G. W. Elzen, S. N. Maldonado and M. G. Rojas |
1204 |
Effects of Managed Feral Vegetation Field Borders on Insects in Cotton and Soybean Fields in North Carolina: an Interim Report
Clyde E. Sorenson and Randy J. Outward |
1206 |
Effect of Selected Insecticides on Natural Enemies in Cotton: Laboratory Studies
John R. Ruberson and P. Glynn Tillman |
1210 |
Comparison Between Drop Cloth and Suction Sampling in Cotton During 1998
J.D. Smith and S.D. Stewart |
1213 |
Effect of Selected Insect Growth Regulators on Feeding Response and Reproduction of Adult Bollworm
J. D. Lopez, Jr., M. A. Latheef and R. W. Meola |
1214 |
Laboratory Selection of a Tracer(R)-Resistant Strain of the Tobacco Budworm and Comparisons with Field Strains from the Southeastern US
W. D. Bailey, H. P. Young and R. M. Roe |
1221 |
Cotton Pest and Beneficial Insect Management Strategies with Steward(TM), Insect Control Product in the Southeastern U.S.
Patricia Hammes, Dan Sherrod and Glenn G. Hammes |
1224 |
Steward(TM): a New Control Option for Tarnished Plant Bug
R. E. Seay, E. P. Castner and R. M. Edmund |
1225 |
A Three Year Evaluation of Non-Registered Lygus Bug Materials
Angela Gomes and Bill Weir |
1227 |
Cotton Yields and Quality Traits Associated with Late-Season Insect Simulated Defoliation
K. Torrey, H. Fife and B. R. Leonard |
1228 |
Validating NAWF5 as a Measure of Crop" Cut Out" in North Louisiana
J. H. Fife, B. R. Leonard, J. Gore and E. Burris |
1229 |
Cotman Plant-Based Economic Injury Level: Update
S. Mi, D.M. Danforth, M.J. Cochran and N.P. Tugwell |
1229 |
Scoutmap: Cotman Monitoring Technique for Boll Shed and Insect Damage
N.P. Tugwell, D.M. Danforth, S. Mi and S. Bradshaw |
1230 |
Effect of Boll Weevil Eradication and Planting Bollgard Varieties on Changes in the Insect Spectrum and Chemistry Needed for Cotton IPM in Alabama
Bradford A. Meyer and Ron H. Smith |
1230 |
Effect of Transgenic Bt-Cotton on Larval Mortality and Development of Beet Armyworm, Spodoptera Exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
M. Ashfaq and S. Y. Young |
1232 |
Effect of Nitrogen and Vegetative Growth on Plant Resistance to Bollworm Helicoverpa Zea, in Selected Bt Cotton Varieties
J. Breen-Pierce, R. Flynn, C. Ellers-Kirk and C. French |
1234 |
Bollgard(R)Cotton- Three Years of Resistance Management
J.M. Mills and J.W. Mullins |
1236 |
Monitoring for Tolerance to CryIAc in Populations of Tobacco Budworm and Cotton Bollworm: Summer 1998
D. V. Sumerford and W. L. Solomon |
1237 |
Performance of Bollgard Cotton with and without Insecticides
C. D. Capps, C. Allen, L. Earnest, P. Tugwell and M. Kharboutli |
1239 |
Alternative Infield Refuge Strategies for Control of Pink Bollworm in Bt Transgenic Cotton
L. Antilla, M. Whitlow, J. White, C. Youngker, T. J. Dennehy and R. T. Staten |
1241 |
Effect of Commercially Planted Bt Cotton on the Resistance of Tobacco Budworm to Insecticides in Southern Tamaulipas, Mexico
A. P. Terán-Vargas |
1243 |
Transgenic Bt(R) and Roundup Ready(TM) Cotton Versus Non Transgenic Cotton in Northern Mexico
J.M. Olivas-García, J. González-García, A.J. Obando-Rodríguez, Eduardo Magaña-Magaña and Guadalupe Reyes-Salinas |
1244 |
Efficacy of Biogodon (Bollgard) to Control Target Cotton Lepidopteran Pests in Argentina
G.W. Videla, E. Lorenz, R. Deaton, E. Lopez Mondo and F. Torcasso |
1246 |
Monitoring of Pink Bollworm Susceptibility to the Bt Endotoxin (CryIAc) in the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico
U. Nava-Camberos, M. Berdegué, H. Sánchez-Galván and E. Guerrero-Rodríguez |
1246 |
Spring Emergence of Pink Bollworm on Bt and Non-Bt Cotton in the Comarca Lagunera, Mexico
U. Nava-Camberos, M. Berdegué and Armando Francisco Castro Ibarra y Eladio López Ríos |
1248 |
Adequacy of 100 Square per Field Sampling Technique for Estimating Damage by Boll Weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Heliothis Virescens (F.) And Helicoverpa Zea (Boddie), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in an Area Wide Cotton IPM Program
Dan A. Wolfenbarger and J. W. Norman, Jr. |
1250 |
Contact Toxicity of Diacylhydrazine and Diphenyl Benzoyl Urea Insect Growth Regulators Against Beet Armyworm, Bollworm and Tobacco Budworm
D. A. Wolfenbarger and D. J. Wolfenbarger |
1254 |
Toxicity of Delta Endotoxin from Bacillus Thuringiensis Subspecies and Isolates and Beta Exotoxin Against Bollworm and Tobacco Budworm and Efficacy of Transconjugate of Delta Endotoxin Against Tobacco Budworm in a Field Test
D. A. Wolfenbarger and D. J. Wolfenbarger |
1258 |