Populations of adult and juvenile thrips were monitored in seedling cotton treated with insecticide applications including: Gaucho® seed treatment (4 oz./cwt. Seed), Temik® 15G (0.75 lb. ai/acre or 0.575 lb. ai/acre), or Orthene® (90 S at 0.25 lb. ai/acre or 75 S at 0.19 lb. ai/acre). Several plant performance parameters and accumulated degree-day 60's (DD60's) were monitored. In comparison, Temik and Orthene showed better thrips control than Gaucho. In 1997 (Test 1), Temik showed a better "earliness profile" (lower fruit set and more early opening bolls) than both Orthene and Gaucho while in 1998 (Test 2) there were no significant differences. In Test 1 statistically superior yields were seen in all insecticide treatments versus the untreated check (UTC). Accumulated DD60's were higher in Test 2 from the second thrips sampling date to the end of thrips sampling period. Accumulated rainfall was higher in 1997 throughout the thrips sampling period. Thrips species ratios differed between years.