Growth of Cotton Leaves and Bracts and Their Carbon Contribution to Developing Squares
Duli Zhao and Derrick Oosterhuis |
505 |
Fiber Development Potential Is Related to Seed Location within a Boll, Boll Location and Boll Load
G. Davidonis, A. Johnson and K. Hood |
508 |
Impact of Drought on High Temperature Protection Systems of Cotton Seedlings
John J. Burke and Bobbie L. McMichael |
508 |
Membrane Dynamics During Fiber Development: an Ultrastructural Analysis
Robert W. Seagull, Mark J Grimson, Trina C. Muehring and Candace H. Haigler |
509 |
Expression of alpha-Tubulin Genes During Cotton Fiber Development
David J. Whittaker and Barbara A. Triplett |
509 |
How Genotype and Temperature Modify Yarn Properties and Dye Uptake
J.M. Bradow and P.J. Bauer |
510 |
Modulation of Economically Important Cotton Fiber Properties by Field Spatial Variability
J.M. Bradow, R.M. Johnson, P.J. Bauer and E.J. Sadler |
512 |
Cell Wall Subunits, "Glue" Matrix and Cotton Fiber Development
Allen K. Murray and Gretchen F. Sassenrath-Cole |
515 |
Hormonal Regulation of Fiber Elongation, and the Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Abscisic Acid Conjugate in Developing Cotton (Gossypium Arboreum L.) Fibres
Bir Singh, C.P. Malik and A.S. Basra |
516 |
myo-Inositol, Sucrosyl Oligosaccharide Metabolism and Drought Stress in Developing Cotton Fibers in Vivo, in Vitro and in Planta
A. K. Murray, Daniel S. Munk, Jonathan Wroble and Gretchen F. Sassenrath-Cole |
518 |
Agronomic Differences in Growth and Yield Between Bt and Conventional Cotton
S. M. Underbrink, J. A. Landivar and J. T. Cothren |
521 |
Response of Transgenic Cotton to Oxidative Stress
Paxton Payton, A. Scott Holaday, Randy D. Allen and Robert P. Webb |
523 |
Compensatory Growth after Early Season Fruit Removal in Cotton
J.M. Moss and C.W. Bednarz |
524 |
Evaluation of Variable Rate Pix (Mepiquat Chloride) Application by Soil Type
Mary E. Thurman and Ronnie W. Heiniger |
524 |
Mepiquat Chloride Applications with a Canvas Wick
A. M. Stewart, K. L. Edmisten and R. Wells |
526 |
Yield Response of BT-Transgenic Cotton to Early Termination of Irrigation
C.J. Fernández |
526 |
Utilizing Cotman for Defoliation Timing and the Management of Micronaire Values
Dan D. Fromme |
529 |
Relationship Between Lint Yields and Selected Plant Mapping Data
Lowell J. Zelinski and Marc Bates |
530 |
Effect of Late-Season Fruit Removal on Cotton Yield and Quality: Implications in Insecticide Termination
D.M. Oosterhuis, C.A. Allen, F.M. Bourland, R.S. Brown and M. Kim |
532 |
Methods for Assessing the Impact of Irrigation on Cotton Crop Development and Boll Shed
T. G. Teague, Earl Vories, N. P. Tugwell and D. M. Danforth |
534 |
Comparative Field and Greenhouse Studies of Tfluralin and Pendimethalin on Cotton Growth, Development, and Nutrient Uptake
J. A. Gordon and C. J. Green |
536 |
The Effects of DNA Herbicides on Cotton Growth and Development
Wade L. Worley, William H. McCarty, Michael M. Kenty and Christopher T. Leon |
539 |
Harvest Dates and Treatments Affect Stickiness and Sugars in West Texas Cotton Varieties
Steve Hague, Robert Nichols, John Gannaway and Bobby Wyatt |
540 |
Specific Ion Effects on the Induction of Antioxidant Enzymes in Cotton Callus Tissue
D.R. Gossett, B. Bellaire, S.W. Banks, M.C. Lucas, A. Manchandia and E.P. Millhollon |
540 |
Cotton Callus Tissue Transformed with Glutathione Reductase CDNA Derived Frompisum Sativum L. Exhibit Increased Glutathione Reductase Activity
Stephen W. Banks, Faye E. Gordon, Satyendra N. Rajguru, Tanja J. Minova, Dalton R. Gossett and M. Cran Lucas |
542 |
Gossypol Pathway in Cotton: S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine: Desoxyhemigossypol 6-O-Methyltransferase
Jinggao Liu, R. D. Stipanovic, A.A. Bell and C. R. Benedict |
546 |
Effect of (+)- and (-)-Gossypol in Cottonseed on the Performance of Three-Week-Old Broiler Chickens
R. D. Stipanovic, C. A. Bailey, H. L. Kim, L. F. Kubena and R. Macedo |
546 |
Flowering Responses to Mepiquat Chloride and PGR-IV
Stephen P. Biles, Tom Cothren, Juan Landivar and George Teetes |
547 |
Evaluation of Cotton Height Measurement Techniques
J. H. Stewart, S. W. Searcy and J. A. Landivar |
547 |
Effect of Management Treatment on Cotton Growth, Development and Yield – Three Year Results
Timothy C. Sharp |
554 |
Five Years Experience with Mep Plus Versus PIX
D. W. Parvin |
554 |
Benefits of Crop Monitoring Systems for Evaluating Cotton Plant Growth Regulators
T.C. Sharp |
557 |
Efficacy of Mepiquat Chloride When Foliar Application Is Followed by Precipitation
D. Zhao, D. Oosterhuis and T. Daniel |
557 |
Evaluation of Ultra Narrow Row Cotton in North Carolina
N. Cawley, K. Edminsten, R. Wells and A. Stewart |
558 |
Planting Date and Plant Growth Regulator Influences on Cotton Growth and Yield
T.K. Witten, P.H. Jost and J.T. Cothren |
559 |
Ultra-Narrow Row and Conventionally Spaced Cotton: Growth and Yield Comparisons
Philip H. Jost and J. T. Cothren |
559 |
Drought Tolerance and Foliar Sprays of Glycine Betaine
C.R. Meek, D.M. Oosterhuis and A.T. Steger |
559 |
Evaluation of Chemical and Physical Means of Removing Late-Season Cotton Fruit to Improve Yields and Control Boll Weevils
R.S. Brown, D.M. Oosterhuis and F.M. Bourland |
561 |
Fatty Acid Composition of Lipid Fractions in Germinating Cotton as Affected by Temperature
B. Lauterbach, D.R. Krieg and G. Jividen |
564 |
Light Microscope and Ultrastrucutral Observations of Petiole Abscission in Cotton
Liwei Chen, Curt M. Peterson and Roland R. Dute |
565 |
CGA-248757 (Fluthiacet-Methyl ) - Influence of Adjuvants on Cotton Defoliation
H. Ray Smith, J. Holloway, G. Cloud, W. Bachman and C. Jones |
565 |
Physiological Aspects of Bacillus Cereus on Cotton
D.M. Oosterhuis, D. Zhao and J.A. Hickey |
566 |
Cotton Harvest-Aid Trials in Arkansas
W.C. Robertson, J. Jones and P. Ballantyne |
568 |
Effects of Prep and Finish on Agronomic Characteristics of Cotton in the Texas High Plains
Randy Boman, Mark Kelley and Tommy Doederlein |
568 |
Cotton Response to Subsurface Drip Irrigation and Conservation Tillage Methods on Soils with Compacted Layers
Philip J. Bauer, Carl R. Camp and Warren J. Busscher |
569 |
Water Use and Water Use Efficiency of Cotton Production Systems in West Texas
D.R Krieg |
569 |
Cotton Lint Yield and Fiber Quality as a Function of Irrigation Level and Termination Dates in the Texas High Plains: 1996 — 1998
Robert J. Lascano, Stanley K. Hicks and R. Louis Baumhardt |
570 |
Cotton Root and Shoot Growth on a Sharkey Clay Following Early Square Loss
E. M. Holman and A. B. Coco |
571 |
A Stochastic Temperature-Based Emergence Model for Cotton
E. Jallas, R. Sequeira, S. Turner, K. E. Gourley, M. Cretenet and J. McKinion |
571 |
Seedling Vigor Influence on Seasonal Growth and Lint Yield: Two-Year Results
K.E. Legé, J.C. Bosch, W.H. McCoy and S.G. Wilson |
575 |
Effect of Deep Tillage upon Lint Yield, Fiber Quality and Soil Moisture
L.A. Clements and B.J. Phipps |
575 |
Effect of Tillage Upon Lint Yield and Fiber Quality
B.J. Phipps and L.A. Clements |
576 |
Effect of Simulated Hail Damage on Cotton Growth and Lint Development
Michael A. Jones |
577 |
Interactive Effects of Atmospheric CO(2) And Nitrogen Nutrition on Cotton Growth
K. Raja Reddy and Harry F. Hodges |
580 |
Ultra Narrow Row Cotton Research in Georgia
C.W. Bednarz, S.M. Brown and M.J. Bader |
580 |
Ultra-Narrow Row Cotton Performance Under Drought Conditions
Thomas J. Gerik, Robert G. Lemon and Evelyn M. Steglich |
581 |
A Variable-Rate Chemical Application System for Cotton in South Texas
J.A. Landivar, S. Searcy and J. Stewart |
581 |
Detection of Water Stress in Cotton Using Multispectral Remote Sensing
S.J. Maas, G.J. Fitzgerald, W.R. DeTar and P.J. Pinter, Jr. |
584 |
Cytoplasmic Effects on Photosynthesis and Chlorophyll Content
Jinfa Zhang and James McD. Stewart |
585 |
Within-Canopy Differences in Cotton Tissue Nitrogen Status and Gas Exchange Across Nitrogen Treatments
R.B. Hutmacher, S.S. Vail, M.S. Peters and M. Keeley |
586 |
Effect of Silverleaf Whitefly on Cotton Photosynthesis
T.B. Lin, A. Schwartz and Y. Saranga |
586 |
Modelling Leaf Photosynthesis as a Function of Age and Light Environment
P. Kasemsap, S. Thanisawanyangkura, Y. Crozat and H. Sinoquet |
587 |
The Relationship Between Chlorophyll Meter Readings and Optical Properties of Leaves in Four Commercial Cotton Cultivars
H. J. Earl |
591 |
Performance of Roundup-Ready(TM) Varieties in the Carolinas and Virginia
Zachary A. Webb, Dru Rush and Tom Baugh |
592 |
Growth and Fruiting Patterns of Deltapine Seed Roundup Ready Cotton Varieties Across Southeast Texas
T.A. Vagts, M. Bates, S.W. Fuchs, D.H. Schulze, D. Pustejovsky and T. Grebert |
593 |
Response of Three Stacked Gene Varieties to Timed Roundup Ultra(R)Applications
Dru E. Rush, Greg Pate, Bob Logan and Larry Hawf |
595 |
Agronomic Evaluation of Transgenic Cotton Varieties in Delicias, Chih., Mexico
Juvencio González-García, Arturo Obando-Rodríguez, Jesús Miguel Olivas-García, José Eduardo Magaña-Magaña and Alfredo Martínez |
596 |
Vectoring a Bioactive Peptide for Cotton Transformation
Satyendra N. Rajguru and James McD. Stewart |
598 |
Effects of Pix, BAS130W, and Mepplus on Cotton Growth, Lint Yield and Fiber Quality in the Coastal Plains of South Texas
C.W. Livingston, W.B. Prince and J.A. Landivar |
599 |
Physiological, Growth and Yield Responses of Cotton to Mepplus and Mepiquat Chloride
Duli Zhao and Derrick Oosterhuis |
599 |
Cotton Yield Response to Mid-bloom Application of PGR-IV
W.C. Robertson, K. Williams, S. Rodery and A. Fisher |
602 |
Mepichlor and Bacillus Cereus Combinations: Cotton Yield and Growth Comparisons
R.C. Nuti, P.H. Jost, T.K. Witten and J.T. Cothren |
602 |
Cotton Yield Response to Mepplus and Mepiquat Chloride
W.C. Robertson, A. Fisher, K. Martin, M. Cannon and J. Jones |
602 |
Do Cotton Varieties Respond Differently to Plant Growth Regulators?
R.P. Viator, P.H. Jost and J.T. Cothren |
603 |
Effect of Adjuvants, Nitrogen Salts and Ethephon on Cotton Defoliants
E. J. Jones, G. D. Wills, J. E. Hanks and A. B. Curry, III |
603 |
Evaluation of CGA-248757 (Action) as a Harvest-Aid in Central Texas
Robert G. Lemon, Thomas A. Hoelewyn, Archie Abrameit and Tom J. Gerik |
605 |
High Plains Harvest-Aid Application Timing Studies
Mark Kelley, Randy Boman, Danny Carmichael and Norm Hopper |
606 |
Finish Performance in Northeast Arkansas
E. D. Vories and R. E. Glover |
607 |
Effect of Water Deficit Stress on K Partitioning in Cotton
Dennis L. Coker and Derrick M. Oosterhuis |
611 |
On-Farm Tillage and Irrigation Practices Effect Cotton Plant Water Status and Soil Environment
D. J. Makus and J. R. Smart |
611 |
Cotton Root and Shoot Growth Under Different Tillage Systems
Chuck Kennedy and Bob Hutchinson |
614 |
Change in Cotton Light Extinction Coefficient with Row Spacing
Evelyn M. Steglich, Thomas Gerik, Jim Kiniry and J. Tom Cothren |
614 |
Effects of Population, Variety, and Row Spacing on Cotton Growth, Lint Yield and Fiber Quality in the Coastal Plains of South Texas
W.B Prince, C.W. Livingston and J.A. Landivar |
615 |
Isolation and Characterization of a Developmentally-Regulated Cotton Gene
Hee Jin Kim and Barbara A. Triplett |
615 |
Expression and Characterization of Two Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme Genes in Gossypium Hirsutum
X. D. Zhang, D. P. Ma, R. G. Creech, N. Jenkins, F. E. Callahan, J. C. MacCarty and S. Saha |
616 |
Expression and Regulation of the Cotton Fiber Gene LTP3 Encoding a Lipid Transfer Protein
Hsi-Chou Liu and Din-Pow Ma |
617 |
Analysis of Promoter Activity of Cotton Lipid Transfer Protein Gene LTP6 in Transgenic Tobacco Plants
Chuan-Yu Hsu and Din-Pow Ma |
617 |
Principal Components of Cotton Gossypium Hirsutum L., Leaf Reflectance Spectra
L. Tarpley and G. F. Sassenrath-Cole |
617 |
Evaluation of Cotton Harvest Aids in the Brazos Bottoms
T.K Witten, P.H. Jost and J.T. Cothren |
617 |
Assessment of Fiber Variations Among Underedveloped Mote Bt Cotton Fibers and Developed Seed Bt Cotton Fibers
A.S. Johnson, G.H. Davidonis, J.M. Bradow and K.B. Hood |
620 |
Development of a Laboratory Screening Test for the Evaluation of Cold Tolerance in Cotton Seed Germination
B. Duesterhaus, N. Hopper, J. Gannaway and G.M. Jividen |
621 |
The Germination and Emergence Responses of Polymer-Coated Fuzzy Cottonseed
K.D.Williams, N.W.Hopper and T. Wedegaertner |
623 |
Seed Applied Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Cotton Germination, Emergence, and Growth
W. D. Becker, N. W. Hopper, B. L. McMichael and G. M. Jividen |
625 |
Optimizing Protocols for Growing Cotton Ovule Cultures in Microgravity Aboard the International Space Station
Barbara A. Triplett and Damicca S. Johnson |
627 |
Early-Season Decisions About Cotton Plant Growth, Square Shed, Plant Growth Regulator and Utility of Cotman
D.M. Oosterhuis, N.P. Tugwell, T.G. Teague and D.M. Danforth |
628 |
Node Above White Flower as a Signal of Physiological Cutout: a Regional Report
A.O. Abaye, D. Oosterhuis, A. Steger, C. Bednarz and M. Holman |
630 |
Development and Cutout Curves for Ultra-narrow and Wide-Row Cotton in Tennessee
C. Owen Gwathmey, Carl E. Michaud, Robert D. Cossar and Seth H. Crowe |
630 |
Cotton Monitoring for In-Season Mangagement Decisions in Far West Texas
Bryan L. Unruh and Jeffery C. Silvertooth |
632 |
Factors Influencing Yield Variability in the Arkansas Cotton Research Verification Trials (CRVT)
Donald E. Plunkett, N.R. Benson and W.C. Robertson |
634 |
Cotton Root Health Work Group: Use of Stability Analysis to Evaluate Beltwide Data Base
B. L. McMichael, Randy Boman, Bill Batson, Don Blasingame, Pat Colyer, Keith Edimisten, Bruce Roberts and Don Sumner |
636 |
Cotton Root Systems in a Clay Loam Soil: Effects of Growth Stage, Irrigation and Nitrogen Treatment
R.B. Hutmacher, M.P. Keeley, K.R. Davis, J.E. Ayars, M.S. Peters, S.S. Vail, J. Covarrubias and A. Nevarez |
637 |
Is Ultra-Narrow Row Earlier Than Conventionally-Spaced Cotton?
Philip H. Jost and J.T. Cothren |
640 |
Cotton Genotypes Exhibiting Cluster-Like Fruiting Morphology and Their Response to 30-Inch Rows
J.J. Heitholt and J.McD. Stewart |
640 |
Effects of Various Intrarow Skips on Growth, Development, and Yield in Cotton
S. Franklin, N. Hopper, J. Gannaway and R. Boman |
640 |