General Information

The General Session of Council delegates will be held on Sunday morning, February 10. Preliminary meetings will begin on Friday afternoon, February 8, including the American Cotton Producers Business Session and several standing committees of the Council’s Board.

Do not miss the only presentation of the Economic Outlook at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 9, immediately preceding the meetings of the six program committees. The Economic Outlook will feature the Council’s planting intentions survey. The retiring Board, state units and interest caucuses also will meet on Saturday. The new Board business session will be held on Sunday, February 10, before the Prayer Breakfast.

Registration and all meetings will be held in the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel.

On-Site Registration

The meeting registration desk will be located on the 3rd Floor of the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel, open daily, beginning at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, February 8, through Sunday morning, February 10.

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Spouses and guests are encouraged to attend the Council’s General Session on Sunday, as well as any other open meetings.

Hospitality Center

A hospitality center will be open Friday, February 8 - Sunday, February 10. The center will serve as a gathering place for convention attendees -- offering juices, coffee and pastries in the morning and coffee and soft drinks in the afternoon.

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For additional meeting information, contact:

Ellen Ferrell
National Cotton Council
7193 Goodlett Farms Parkway
Cordova, TN 38016
901-274-9030, Ext. 8063