Broadcast Newsline: July 2, 2014

Recently the National Cotton Council participated in meetings in Geneva, Switzerland with World Trade Organization (WTO) officials and ambassadors to convey information about the new US farm law’s cotton provisions.

Today's Cotton Newsline is 3 cuts. All cuts are Gary Adams, Vice President of Economics and Policy Analysis for the National Cotton Council.

Suggested Introduction 1:

Recently the National Cotton Council participated in meetings in Geneva, Switzerland with World Trade Organization (WTO) officials and ambassadors to convey information about the new US farm law's cotton provisions. Gary Adams, Vice President of Economics and Policy Analysis for the National Cotton Council explains how the provisions are significantly different from previous farm laws.

Suggested Introduction 2:

One objective of the meetings was to…

Suggested Introduction 3:

Considering the WTO, which is the multilateral organization where countries negotiate dispute settlements and trade rules…

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