Broadcast Newsline: August 17, 2011

In its August crop report, USDA released their first survey based estimate for the 2011 US cotton crop.

This week's Cotton Newsline is 3 cuts.All cuts are Gary Adams, Vice President of Economics and Policy Analysis for the National Cotton Council.

Suggested Introduction 1
In its August crop report, USDA released their first survey based estimate for the 2011 US cotton crop.Gary Adams, Vice President of Economics and Policy Analysis for the National Cotton Council, the report projected a '11 US cotton crop of 16.55million bales. Upland production was estimated at 15.82 million bales and extra-long staple (ELS) production at 737,200 bales.

Suggested Introduction 2
Adams reviews the other regions of the US cotton belt.

Suggested Introduction 3
Adams says there is still a good chance for an average to above average crop in some areas of the Cotton Belt.

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