Broadcast Newsline: April 2, 2008

USDA released their 2008 Prospective Plantings Report this week.

This week’s Cotton Newsline is 4 cuts. All cuts are Dr. Gary Adams, Vice-President of Economics and Policy Analysis for the National Cotton Council.

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USDA released their 2008 Prospective Plantings Report this week. According to Dr. Gary Adams, Vice-President of Economics and Policy Analysis for the National Cotton Council, USDA’s projected cotton acreage is down from 2007.

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While the Southeast region overall may see some acreage reductions, Adams says Georgia is projecting an increase.

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Adams says the USDA is calling for some significant declines in acreage for the Mid-South region relative to last year.

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Adams says if you look across the cotton belt as a whole there’s quite a bit of agreement in terms of where USDA’s number ended up relative to the Council’s number.

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