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Issue 4 Table of Contents

Open flower of a monosomic substitution interspecific F<sub>1</sub> hybrid plant that is hemizygous for the chromosome of <em>G. tomentosum</em>. As with most of the substitution interspecific F<sub>1</sub> hybrids, the flowers were intermediate <em>G. hirsutum</em> and <em>G. tomentosum</em> in size, pubescence, petal color and pollen color. These hypoaneuploid chromosome substitution stocks provide a stepping stone toward high-resolution chromosome-specific genetic dissection of complex traits, germplasm introgression, and cotton improvement.


Breeding and Genetics
Upland Cotton (<em>Gossypium hirsutum</em> L.) x Hawaiian Cotton (<em>G. tomentosum</em> Nutt. Ex. Seem.) F<sub>1</sub> Hybrid Hypoaneuploid Chromosome Substitution Series
Sukumar Saha, Dwaine A. Raska, and David M. Stelly
Pages: 263-272

Open flower of a monosomic substitution interspecific F1 hybrid plant that is hemizygous for the chromosome of G. tomentosum. As with most of the substitution interspecific F1 hybrids, the flowers were intermediate G. hirsutum and G. tomentosum in size, pubescence, petal color and pollen color. These hypoaneuploid chromosome substitution stocks provide a stepping stone toward high-resolution chromosome-specific genetic dissection of complex traits, germplasm introgression, and cotton improvement.

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
Response of Yield, Yield Components, and Fiber Properties of Egyptian Cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) to Nitrogen Fertilization and Foliar-applied Potassium and Mepiquat Chloride
Zakaria M. Sawan, Mahmoud H. Mahmoud, and Amal H. El-Guibali
Pages: 224-234

Agronomy and Soils
Comparison of Growth and Yield Components of Conventional and Ultra-narrow Row Cotton
Earl D. Vories, and Robert E. Glover
Pages: 235-243

Agronomy and Soils
Effects of a Short-term Corn Rotation on Cotton Dry Matter Partitioning, Lint Yield, and Fiber Quality Production
W.T. Pettigrew, W.R. Meredith Jr., H.A. Bruns, and S. R. Stetina
Pages: 244-251

Arthropod Management
Effect of Genotype, Edaphic, Environmental Conditions, and Agronomic Practices on Cry1Ac Protein Expression in Transgenic Cotton
Ian J. Rochester
Pages: 252-262

Engineering and Ginning
Cleaning Performance of Modified Cylinder Cleaners
Sanh Le
Pages: 273-283

Engineering and Ginning
Gross Monetary Returns for Conventionally Processed Cotton
J. Clif Boykin
Pages: 284-299

Engineering and Ginning
Historical Review on the Effect of Moisture Content and the Addition of Moisture Addition to Seed Cotton before Ginning on Fiber Length
Richard K. Byler
Pages: 300-310

Engineering and Ginning
Harvesting and Ginning a Cotton with a Fragile Seed Coat
Carlos B. Armijo, Greg A. Holt, Kevin D. Baker, Sidney E. Hughs, Edward M. Barnes, and Marvis N. Gillum
Pages: 311-318

Weed Science
Glufosinate Antagonizes Postemergence Graminicides Applied to Annual Grasses and Johnsongrass
Andrew P. Gardner, Alan C. York, David L. Jordan, and David W. Monks
Pages: 319-327

Weed Science
Management of Annual Grasses and <em>Amaranthus</em> spp. in Glufosinate-resistant Cotton
Andrew P. Gardner, Alan C. York, David L. Jordan, and David W. Monks
Pages: 328-338

Editorial Notes
Annual Report of the <em>Journal of Cotton Science</em>
Patrick D. Colyer
Pages: 339-340