Summary of the 1990 Cotton Dust Research Conference
L.N. Domelsmith, P.J. Wakelyn, and R.R. Jacobs |
1 |
Batch Washed Cotton Update
Henry H. Perkins, Jr. and Ralph J. Berni |
4 |
Endotoxin Reduction in Cotton Fiber: Effects of Heat Treatment
Marie-Alice Rousselle |
9 |
Detoxification of Enterobacter Agglomerans LPS
L.N. Domelsmith, A.J. DeLucca, and J.J. Fischer |
13 |
The Effect of Sheltering Cotton Plants from Rain on the Numbers of Bacteria and Endotoxin Levels of Lint and Bract
C.E. Heintz, J.J. Fischer, and A.D. Brashears |
20 |
Statistical Analyses of Fluctuations in the Numbers of Viable Bacteria on Various Parts of the Cotton Plant Throughout the Growing Season
J.M. Grice and C.F. Heintz |
26 |
The Effect of Relative Humidity on Enterobacter agglomerans on Cotton Fiber
A.J. DeLucca, M.A. Rousselle, and B.T. Vinyard |
30 |
Condensed Tannins in Lint from 1988 Microbiological Field Studies
Marie-Alice Rousselle |
33 |
Airborne Bacterial Levels of Card Generated Dust from 1988 Cottons Grown in Different Locations
David T.W. Chun |
37 |
Detection of Lipid a in Chemically Treated Cotton Dust by Competitive Inhibition Elisa
Patricia D. Millner |
40 |
Effects of Biocontrol Treatments and Nitrogen Fertilization Rates on Bacterial Populations and Yield of Raw Cotton Fiber
A.A. Bell, G.W. Tribble, and J.H. Benedict |
43 |
Attempts to Make California Cotton Resemble Cotton Grown in North Carolina
Janet J. Fischer, Karin Foarde, Bonnie E. Cunningham, and Henry H. Perkins |
48 |
The Relationship Between Dust Level and Endotoxin Content in Mills Studied over Several Years and in Different Seasons
Janet J. Fischer, Karin Foarde, and John Neefus |
51 |
Respiratory Symptoms and Dust Levels in Lancashire Weaving Mills
S.N. Raza, C.A.C. Pickering, D. Fishwick, A. Fletcher, and R. Niven |
54 |
Byssinosis and Associated Symptoms in Lancashire Textile Hills
A.M. Fletcher, D. Fishwick, C.A.C. Pickering, and R. Niven |
57 |
Bronchial Reactivity and Atopy in Byssinotic and non Byssinotic Cotton Workers
D. Fishwick, A.M.Fletcher, C.A.C. Pickering, and R. Niven |
60 |
Bronchial Reactivity and Symptoms in Workers Exposed to Organic Dusts in Farming
Maria Carvalheiro, Yvonne Peterson, Eva Rubenowitz, and Ragnar Rylander |
63 |
Airway Response to Inhaled Flax Dust Extract in Man
M.M. Bevan, H.J. Edwards, M. McDermott, P.J. Nicholls, and E. Zuskin |
65 |
Pulmonary Inflammation after Inhalation of Endotoxin in Humans
Alex Herbert, Maria Carvalheiro, Eva Rubenowitz, Bjorn Bake, and Ragnar Rylander |
71 |
Comparison of Pulmonary Toxicity and Microbiological and Chemical Content of DB 11-82, DB 01-88, and DB 05-89 Cotton Dusts
R.Spear, J.A. Kramarik, and M.H. Karol |
73 |
Cotton Dust Detoxification
L.N. Domelsmith, J.J. Fischer, and R.D. Stipanovic |
77 |
Pulmonary Toxicity of Dusts Chemically Treated for Detoxification
K.L. Spear and M.H. Karol |
82 |
Comparison of the Effects of Various Chemically Treated Cotton Dusts on Isolated Lung and Alveolar Macrophages of the Guinea Pig.
A.Al-Zohyri, L.N. Domelsmith, and P.J. Nicholls |
84 |
Release of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites from Guinea Pig Pulmonary Cells Stimulated by Tannin-Coated Cellulose Powder
Marie-Alice Rousselle, Marcel H. Elissaide, and Linda N. Domelsmith |
87 |
Assessment of the Role of Tannins in the Pulmonary Toxicity of DB 01-88 Using the Guinea Pig Animal Model
K. Spear and M.H. Karol |
91 |
Induction of Il-1 in Human Monocyrus by Cotton Bract Tannin and Lps from E. Coli or LPS from E. Agglomerans
Z. Vuk-Pavlovic and M.S. Rohrbach Thoracic |
96 |
Effect of Cotton Tannin on Bovine Bronchial Epithelial Cells
S. Von Essen, M.Rohrbach, D.O'Neill, J. Remmenga, S. Koyama, R. Robbins, and S. Rennard |
99 |
Differential Effects of Cotton Bract Tannin on the Abluminal and Luminal Surface of Rabbit Pulmonary Arteries.
S.F. Gugino, J.A. Russell, and M.S. Rohrbach |
102 |
N-Formyl-Methionyl-Leucyl-Phenylalanine (FMLP) Is Present in Cotton Dust and Contracts Isolated Airway and Cardiovascular Smooth Muscle
J.S. Fedan, V. Castranova, J.H.K. Ma, C.C. Mo, and D.C. Frazer |
105 |
Effects on Tissue-Culture of Bacteria Isolated from the Air of Danish Cotton Mills
A.F.Tuxford, B. Hoult, and T. Sigsgaard |
107 |
Release of Intracellular Enzymes from Mouse and Guinea Pig Lung and Other Tissues by Cotton Dust Extract
S. Al-Dhahir and P.J. Nicholls |
110 |
The Effects of Bacteria, Isolated from the Air of Lancashire Cotton Mills, on the A549 Tissue-Culture Cell-Line
B. Hoult and A.F. Tuxford |
116 |
Increased Blood Monocyte Procoagulant Activity in Cotton Mill Workers
Lena Beijer, Maria Carvalheiro, Patrick G Holt, and Ragnar Rylander |
120 |
Acute In-Vitro Effects of Cotton, Flax and Hemp Dusts on Airway Ciliary Function
R. Wilson, P.J. Nicholls, A. Moghaddam, C. Feldman, R.C. Read, L-Y. Han, A. Rutman, H. Todd, and P.J. Cole |
122 |
Production of Antibodies in Guinea Pigs Following Inhalation of Cotton Dusts
M.H. Karol and J.A. Lerp |
128 |
Pulmonary Responses of Guinea Pigs to Consecutive Exposures to Cotton Dust
V. Castranova, T.A. Jones, M.W. Barger, A. Afshari, and D.C. Frazera |
131 |
Influence of Inhaled Cotton and Flax Dust Extracts on Airway Permeability in the Guinea-Pig Using Gamma Scintigraphy
P.J. Bates, P.J. Nicholls, and S.J. Farr |
136 |
Further Study of the Effects of Cotton Bract and Dust Extracts on Guinea Pig Perfused Lung and Alveolar Macrophages
A.Al-Zohyri, P.J. Nicholls, and R. Steadman |
141 |
The Effect of Cotton Dust Exposure Release of Tumor Necrosis F Guinea Pig Alveolar Macrophages
L.K. Ryan and M.H. Karol |
146 |
Preliminary Search for Agricultural Chemicals on Cotton Lint and in the Air of Textile Mills
John D. Neefus and John R. Albritton |
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