A Low Energy Seed-Cotton Drier S.E. Hughs, R.A. Willem, M.N. Gillum, and W.F. Lalor |
338 |
Mechanical Belt Conveyor-Drier for Seed Cotton Weldon Laird and R.V. Baker |
338 |
A Selective Ginning Process for Cotton L.H. Wilkes, K.E. Watkins, and W.F. Lalor |
341 |
A New Instrument to Measure the Cotton Fibre-To-Seed Attachment Forces L. Verschraege and P. Kiekens |
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New Ginning - Lint Cleaning System S.E. Hughs, M.N. Gillum, and W.F. Lalor |
348 |
Influence of Gin Cleaning Level on Mill Processing Performance of Two Mississippi Cottons J.B. Cooke, G.J. Mangialardi, and J.D. Bargeron III |
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Potentials for Improving Lint Cleaner Performance R.V. Baker and W.F. Lalor |
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Development of a Lint Cleaner Simulation Model G.L. Barker and R.V. Baker |
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Neps in Ginned Lint: A Review of Research Gino J. Mangialardi, Jr. |
358 |
Effect of Lint Cleaner Saw Speed and Tooth Density on Cotton Quality E.P. Columbus |
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Cotton Seedcoat Fragment Research S.T. Rayburn |
362 |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998