Washington Update
Wayne Bjorlie |
215 |
Forecasting U.S. Cotton Production
Fred A. Vogel |
217 |
The U.S. and World Cotton Outlook
Carol Skelly |
220 |
Global Outlook for ELS Cotton Consumption
Matthew S. Laughlin |
222 |
International Cotton Flows: Changing Structure and Prospects for the Future
Olga Isengildina, O.A. Cleveland and Cary W. Herndon |
227 |
Process Technology and Markets of Eco-Labelled Cotton Products
Marion Tobler |
232 |
Cost and Return Comparisons of Roundup Ready and Boligard Cotton Varieties
K.J. Bryant, C.T. Allen, F.M. Bourland and L.D. Earnest |
236 |
The Effect of Expected Price on the Management of Cotton Production
John R. C. Robinson, Fred T. Cooke, Jr. and D. W. Parvin, Jr. |
238 |
A Cluster Analysis Approach to Identifying Shifts in U.S. Cotton Production
G. A. Mumma and D. Hudson |
240 |
Cotton Consumption and the Financial Crisis in Asia
Carlos Alberto Valderrama Becerra |
244 |
Economic Feasibility of Variable Rate Application Systems for Cotton
L. A. Ribera and J. A. Landivar |
247 |
Financial Viability and Profitability of Cotton Farms in the Texas High Plains Region After the Fair Act of 1996
Kent Durham and Phillip Johnson |
248 |
Comparative Analysis of Producing Transgenic Cotton Varieties Versus No Transgenic Variety in Delicias, Chihuahua, Mexico
Jose Eduardo Magaña Magaña, Juvencio Gonzalez García, Arturo J. Obando Rodríguez and Jesus Miguel Olivas García |
255 |
Cotton Quality Price Differentials From Textile Mills' Perspective: an Update
Kalyan Chakraborty and Don Ethridge |
256 |
The Effect of Fiber, Yarn, and Fabric Prices on Mill Cotton Fiber Consumption
V.S. Plassmann and E. Jones |
259 |
Perceptions of the Fair Act from Northeast Arkansas: Implications for Cotton
Julienne Pollard Penter and Darren Hudson |
268 |
Foreign Import Demand for Cotton
Stephen MacDonald |
272 |
Quality of the 1998 Crop
Mack Bennett |
274 |
Cotton Price Interdependence in the Developed and Developing Countries
Jian Yang and David J. Leatham |
284 |
Analyzing the Expansions Abilities of Mid-Sized Farms in Texas Southern High Plains
DeDe Beaty and Phillip Johnson |
286 |
The Association Between Nearby Cotton Futures Price and Net Bale Commitments of Speculative Traders
Avuthu R. Reddy, Carl G. Anderson, David A. Bessler and Carl E. Shafer |
294 |
Economic Evaluation of Insecticide Termination by Cotman
Kelly J. Bryant, Diana M. Danforth, Mark J. Cochran, Ray Benson and Mi Sha |
298 |
Spatial Utilization of Phosphorus: Implications for Precision Agriculture Practices
Man Yu, Eduardo Segarra and Douglas Nesmith |
299 |
Factors Effecting Regional Cotton Acreage Shifts
Steven W. Martin, Darren Hudson and Gerald Mumma |
302 |
Developments and Outlook for Cotton in Francophone West Africa
Andrew Levin |
304 |
Results of Extension Recommendations and Integration of New Technologies into Tennessee Cotton Verification Trials
Chuck Danehower |
309 |
Maximizing Net Producer Returns to Gin Lint Cleaning
Jeannie Nelson, Sukant K. Misra and Blake K. Bennett |
310 |
The Effects of Raw Fiber Prices on Mill and Retail Demand
D. McLaren |
315 |
Economic Analysis of Ultra-Narrow-Row Cotton Production in the Coastal Plain Region of Georgia
S. Gibbs Wilson, W. Don Shurley, Craig Bednarz and Michael J. Bader |
317 |
Analysis of Factors Influencing Farmers' Willingness to Participate in the Tennessee Boll Weevil Eradication Program
J. A. Larson, R. L. Collins, R. K. Roberts and B. C. English |
320 |
Structural Changes to Consider in the Valuation of Boll Weevil Eradication Programs
John R. C. Robinson and Oscar Vergara |
321 |
Adoption of Advanced Irrigation Technology: Lepa Vs. Drip in The Texas High Plains
E. Segarra, L. Almas and J. Bordovsky |
324 |
Price Volatility in Cotton
Darren Hudson and Keith Coble |
328 |
An Analysis of the Cottonseed Pricing Structure in Texas
Jane A. Bondurant and Sukant K. Misra |
334 |
Modeling of U.S. Men's Apparel Consumption Trends and Its Implication on Textil Mill Cotton Consumption
Moon W. Suh and Eun-Kyung Lee |
339 |
Whole Farm Analysis of Continuous Cotton Versus a Cotton/Corn Rotation: an Introduction
D. W. Parvin and F. T. Cooke |
343 |
An Estimated 1998 Texas-Oklahoma Pre-Season Price Schedule Based on Market History
Kevin Hoelscher, Sukant Misra and Don Ethridge |
346 |
Economic Comparisons Between Ecologically-Based & Traditional Cotton Pest Management Systems
C.R. Stark, Jr., K.J. Bryant, J.R. Ruberson and S.C. Phatak and W.J. Lewis |
348 |
Economic Evaluation of Bollgard Cotton in Arkansas
K. J. Bryant, W. C. Robertson and G. M. Lorenz‚ III |
349 |
Texas-Oklahoma Producer Cotton Market Summary: 1997/98
Kevin Hoelscher, Don Ethridge and Sukant Misra |
350 |
An Economic Analysis of Nitrogen Levels and Rotation Systems in Cotton
D. Zimet, D.L. Wright, F.M. Rhoads and P.J. Wiatrak |
354 |