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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Issue 1 Table of Contents

Impact of soil spatial variability on both yield and irrigation water use efficiency


Agronomy and Soils
Impact of Soil Variability on Irrigated and Rainfed Cotton
Earl D. Vories, William E. (Gene) Stevens, Kenneth A. Sudduth, Scott T. Drummond, and N. Ray Benson
Pages: 01-14
DOI: (
Impact of soil spatial variability on both yield and irrigation water use efficiency

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
Impact of Soil Variability on Irrigated and Rainfed Cotton
Earl D. Vories, William E. (Gene) Stevens, Kenneth A. Sudduth, Scott T. Drummond, and N. Ray Benson
Pages: 01-14
DOI: (

Breeding and Genetics
Construction of Genetic Linkage Map and QTL Analysis for Fiber Traits in Diploid Cotton (Gossypium arboreum x Gossypium herbaceum)
Ashok Badigannavar, and Gerald O. Myers
Pages: 15-26
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Impact of Gin Saw-tooth Design on Fiber and Textile Processing Quality
S.E. Hughs, and Carlos B. Armijo
Pages: 27-32
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Unloading System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Derek P. Whitelock, Michael D. Buser, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 33-41
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
First Stage Seed-Cotton Cleaning System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates from Cotton Gins: Method 17
J. Clif Boykin, Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 42-52
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Second Stage Seed-Cotton Cleaning System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 53-62
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Third Stage Seed-Cotton Cleaning System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Derek P. Whitelock, Michael D. Buser, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 63-71
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
First Stage Lint Cleaning System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
J. Clif Boykin, Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 72-81
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Second Stage Lint Cleaning System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 82-91
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Combined Lint Cleaning System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Derek P. Whitelock, Michael D. Buser, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 92-100
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Battery Condenser System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
J. Clif Boykin, Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 101-110
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Cyclone Robber System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 111-120
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
First Stage Mote System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Derek P. Whitelock, Michael D. Buser, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 121-130
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Second Stage Mote System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
J. Clif Boykin, Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 131-140
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Combined Mote System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins
Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, J. Clif Boykin, Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 141-149
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Mote Cyclone Robber System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Derek P. Whitelock, Michael D. Buser, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 150-158
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Master Trash System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
J.Clif Boykin, Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 159-167
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Mote Trash System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, J. Clif Boykin, and Gregory A Holt
Pages: 168-175
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Mote Cleaner System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
Derek P. Whitelock, Michael D. Buser, J. Clif Boykin, Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 176-184
DOI: (

Engineering and Ginning
Overflow System Total Particulate Emission Factors and Rates for Cotton Gins: Method 17
J. Clif Boykin, Michael D. Buser, Derek P. Whitelock, and Gregory A. Holt
Pages: 185-193
DOI: (

Textile Technology
Probing Bias Reduction to Improve Comparability of Lint Cotton Water and Moisture Contents at Moisture Equilibrium
Joseph G. Montalvo Jr., Terri M. Von Hoven, Richard K. Byler, and Debbie Boykin
Pages: 194-211
DOI: (

Weed Science
Cotton Response and Palmer Amaranth Control with Pyroxasulfone Applied Preemergence and Postemergence
Charles W. Cahoon, Alan C. York, David L. Jordan, Richard W. Seagroves, Wesley J. Everman, and Katherine M. Jennings
Pages: 212-223
DOI: (

Editorial Notes
Gerald O. Myers, Editor-in-Chief
Pages: 224-224