Onset and Progression of the “Hollow Seed” (Seed Rot) Malady of South Carolina
J.R. Mauney, J. McD. Stewart, and Mike Jones
Physiological Consequences of Drought Stress in Cotton
Bill Pettigrew
Yield Consequences of the Last Effective Boll Designation
C. Owen Gwathmey
Effect of Night Temperatures on Plant Growth, Boll Development and Yield
L.M. Arevalo, D.M. Oosterhuis, D.L. Coker, and R.S. Brown
Remote Sensing for Site Specific Management of Biotic and Abiotic Stress in Cotton
N.R. Falkenberg, G. Piccinni, D.I. Leskovar, N.N. Troxclair, J.T. Cothren, and C.M. Rush
Desiccation and Regrowth Effects on Final Lint Quality of Commercially Harvested, Moduled, and Ginned Cotton
J.D. Siebert, A.M. Stewart, and T.D. Sims
Effects of Polymer Coatings and Density Separations on Cottonseed Viability and Vigor
Daniel B. Olivier, Norman Hopper, and Tom Wedegaertner
Soil, Leaf, and Spectral Indicators of Impending Water Stress
Glen L. Ritchie and Craig W. Bednarz
Uptake Dynamics of Foliar-Applied Potassium and Physiological Response of Cotton Grown under Water- and Potassium-Deficient Conditions
Dennis L. Coker, Derrick M. Oosterhuis, and Robert S. Brown
Cotton Response to Trimax™ Insecticide
Leah Hundley and J.T. Cothren
Evaluation of Cotton Germplasm Developed in the Past Century
S.N. Casteel, R.C. Nuti, R.P. Viator, R. Wells, and K.L. Edmisten
The Effect of an Upper Limit Temperature Threshold on Heat Unit Calculations, Defoliation Timing, Yield and Fiber Quality
D.D. Fromme, J.T. Cothren, and J.B. Bynum
Influence of Cultural Practices on Roundup Ready® Cotton in North Carolina
Russell Nuti, Shaun Casteel, Ryan Viator, and Keith Edmisten
Nodes above White Flower and Heat Units as Indicators of Harvest Aid Timing
Josh B. Bynum, J. Tom Cothren, Robert G. Lemon, and James R. Mahan
Evaluation of Physiological Responses of Modern versus Obsolete Cotton Cultivars under Water-Deficit Stress for Explaining Yield Variability
R.S. Brown, D.M. Oosterhuis, A. Bibi, M. Arevalo, and D.L. Coker
Evaluation of Organophosphate Insecticides on Performance of Transgenic and Conventional Cotton
Chris A. Hundley, J.T. Cothren, and H.R. Smith
Evaluation of Shafter Collection Cotton (Gossypium spp.) for Agronomic and Fiber Traits
Jimmy X. Zumba and Gerald O. Myers
Does a Different Plant Type Enhance Performance of UNR Cotton Production Systems?
Rose Roche, Michael P. Bange, Stephen P. Milroy, and Graeme L. Hammer
Performance of Texas Originating Germplasm in 2003 Midsouth Performance Evaluations
T.J. Lawhon
Fiber Quality Evaluation of Beltwide Cotton Genetics Cotton Varieties Grown in West Texas 2003
Jay Garretson
FiberMax LibertyLink® Varieties: Crop Tolerance to Glufosinate-Ammonium
Steve Hague
Cotton Lint Yield and Fiber Quality Response to Reduced Seeding Rates
Steve P. Nichols, Charles E. Snipes, and Normie Buehring
Comparison of Twin and Single Line Cotton Production Systems
Stephen H. Husman, William B. McCloskey, Kyrene White, Jeffrey Hamilton, Patrick Clay, Randy Norton, Eric Norton, and Mohammed Zerkoune
Plant Population Effects on Twin Line Cotton Production
Stephen H. Husman, William B. McCloskey, and Kyrene White
Plant Population Study on Double Row and Conventional 30" Cotton in Tulare County, California
Steve Wright, Gerardo Banuelos, Shelly Elam, Bob Hutmacher, Mark Keeley, Raul Delgado, and Anil Shrestha
Planting Date Effect on Variety Performance in the Coastal Plains in South Carolina
Shannon Crawley, Alan Coskrey, Tom Baugh, and Ken Lege
Weekly NDVI Relationships to Height, Nodes and Productivity Index for Low, Medium, and High Cotton Productivity Zones
T.C. Sharp, G. Evans, and A. Salvador
Image-Based, Variable Rate Plant Growth Regulator applied by Air to California Cotton
Matthew Bethel, David Lewis, Susan White, Ted Sheely, Bruce Roberts, Roger Hewitt, Mechel Paggi, and Nick Groenenberg
Variations in the need for Plant Growth Regulators in Louisiana Cotton
Joel Faircloth
Delta and Hill Test Results with Pentia Plant Growth Regulator, Mississippi, 2003
Dave Parvin and Joe Johnson
Mepiquat Formulation Evaluation in Southeastern Arizona
E.R. Norton and L.J. Clark
Timing of Pix Applications for Growth Suppression on Cotton in the Imperial Valley
Herman Meister
Response of PGR's on DP 555 BG/RR by Soil Type
John C. Coccaro, H. William McCarty, Alvin Rhodes, and H.R. Smith
Pentia™ Plant Regulator Results of the 2003 on Farm Studies Virginia and the Carolinas
Tom McKemie and Chandler Mazour
Pentia™ Plant Growth Regulator – A Texas Perspective
Scott Asher and Chandler Mazour
Pentia™ Plant Growth Regulator: Research to Demonstration to Farm
G.S. Stapleton
Chaperone on Cotton, A Three Year Study
Joe Townsend
ET™: Finding a Place at Home in West Central Texas Cotton
Billy E. Warrick
Effect of Lintplus Applied at 30% Open Bolls on Harvest Timing, Yield, and Lint Quality
Arturo Redes, Alan Dalrymple, Keith Griffith, Robert Hinkle, and Roy Parker
Aim EC Harvest Aid Results in Spindle Picker Cotton
T.I. Crumby, H.R. Mitchell, J.P. Reed, and J.C. Braun
Variability in Cotton Yield Components as Related to Seed Size
Craig W. Bednarz and Glen L. Ritchie
Metabolic and Reproductive Fitness of Heat-Stressed Cotton
John J. Burke
Do Modern Cultivars Require Higher Levels of Potassium Fertilization?
Michael A. Jones and James C. Camberato
The Influence of various Delinting and Priming Treatments on Cotton Seedling Emergence, Development and Yield
Bobbie McMichael, John Burke, Norman Hopper, and Tom Wedegaertner
Canopy Architecture Model for Cotton
Stephan J. Maas and Jonghan Ko
Genotype-Related Changes in Fiber Property Uniformity across Boll Locations
Gayle Davidonis, Kathryn Pusateri, Ann Johnson, W. David Caldwell, J. Ivan Dickson, and Donald Boquet
Effect of Ozone on Phloem Transport in Cotton
David A. Grantz and Allen K. Murray
Expression of Two Isoforms of the Antifungal Protein Osmotin from a Cotton Gene Cluster
Jeffery R. Wilkinson, Kimberly D. Spradling, David W. Yoder, Irma L. Pirtle, and Robert M. Pirtle
Analysis and Functional Expression of a Gene for a Cotton Fatty Acid Desaturase (FAD2-4)
Irma L. Pirtle, Stacy Park, Daiyuan Zhang, Mongkol Nampaisansuk, Svlvia Wanjie, Kent D. Chapman, and Robert M. Pirtle
Nitric Oxide Production in Cotton Callus
Stephen W. Banks, Dalton R. Gossett, Shantel A. Vital, Alvarro M. Virgen, and Juan Rodriguez
Salt Tolerance in Cotton Callus Tissue Transformed with Ascorbate Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, and Superoxide Dismutase
Dalton R. Gossett, Stephen W. Banks, Lisa Jones, Randy Allen, and Paxton Payton
Identification of (+)- 3-Hydroxy-α-Calacorene in Cotton and Kenaf
R.D. Stipanovic and L.S. Puckhaber
Adaptation of COTMAN for use in UNR Cotton
C. Owen Gwathmey, Josh B. Bynum, J. Tom Cothren, Keith L. Edmisten, Jack T. Reed, Ryan P. Viator, and Earl D. Vories
Are COTMAN's Compensation Capacity Values Set Too Low?
James F. Leser, Brant Baugh, Randy Boman, and Tommy Doederlein
Chaperone® Effects on Cotton Fruiting and Yield
Josh B. Bynum, J. Tom Cothren, and Robert G. Lemon
Chaperone™ Results from the Tri-State Delta
J.H. Lackey, D.M. Oosterhuis, and R.S. Brown
Comparison of Conventional and Twin-Row Production Systems on Cotton Growth and Development
W. James Grichar, Brent A. Besler, Robert G. Lemon, and D. Joel Pigg
Comparison of Mepiquat Penataborate and Mepiquat Chloride Effects on DP555BR
Philip Jost and Mike Dollar
Cotton Stalk Destruction with 2,4-D Herbicide
Robert Lemon, Danny Fromme, Rick Jahn, and D. Joel Pigg
Cotton Stalk Termination to Prevent Regrowth
Robert G. Lemon, D. Joel Pigg, Archie Abrameit, W.C. Robertson, J. Tom Cothren, and Ty Witten
Do Broadcast Applications of Glyphosate during Late Bloom Period Affect Roundup Ready Cotton?
Gary Hamm, Shaun Casteel, Russell Nuti, Ryan Viator, and Keith Edmisten
Double Row and Single Row Planting Pattern Comparisons in Acala Cotton in the San Joaquin Valley
R.B. Hutmacher, M.P. Keeley, R. Delgado, S.D. Wright, G. Banuelos, R.N. Vargas, T. Martin-Duvall, B.L. Weir, A. Shrestha, D.S. Munk, J. Wroble, B.H. Marsh, D. Burns, C. Michael, H. Wu, and G. Replogle
Effect of Adjuvants on KIH-9201 Defoliant
G.D. Wills, E.J. Jones, J.E. Hanks, and R.E. Mack
Effect of Irrigation and Herbicide Program on DP 444 BGRR® and SG 215 BR® Yield and Quality
C. Dale Monks, Charles H. Burmester, Dennis P. Delaney, and Michael G. Patterson
Effect of Spray Nozzle Type on Cotton Harvest Aid Performance
Mark Kelley, Randy Boman, Todd Baughman, Robert Lemon, and Joel Pigg
Effect of Trimax™ Insecticide on the Physiology, Growth and Yield of Cotton
Evangelos D. Gonias, Derrick M. Oosterhuis, and Robert S. Brown
Effects of Chaperone® on Cotton Yield in the Coastal Bend of Texas
C.J. Fernandez and C. Correa
Efficacy of Foliar Applications of Trimax™ Insecticide during Water-Deficit Stress on the Physiology and Yield of Cotton
R.S. Brown, D.M. Oosterhuis, and E. Gonias
Fiber Quality Assessment by Node Location in Texas Coastal Bend Narrow Row Cotton
Gayle Davidonis, Olga Richard, Ann Johnson, W. Bon Prince, Clinton Livingston, and Carlos Fernandez
Gene Expression in Developing Fibers as a Model for Water-Deficit Stress
Bill L. Hendrix, James McD. Stewart, and Thea A. Wilkins
Growth and Yield Responses to Mepiquat-Type PGRs in Tennessee
C. Owen Gwathmey and C. Chism Craig, Jr.
Increased Protein, Insect Mortality and Yield with Chaperone™
D.M. Oosterhuis and R.S. Brown
Insecticidal Effects on Fruiting and Yield Enhancement in Cotton
Brett M. Niccum, J.T. Cothren, Josh Bynum, and Tony Provin
Using a Digital Camera to Photography for making Replant Decisions Determine Survival of Cotton Seedlings and Early Expression of Bronze Wilt
Bobby J. Phipps, Andrea S. Phillips, and Bobby J. Tanner
The Physiological Response of Cotton to High Temperature for Germplasm Screening
Androniki C. Bibi , Derrick M. Oosterhuis, Robert S. Brown, and Fred M. Bourland
Physiological Responses of Insecticidal use on Cotton
Cy C. McGuire, J. Tom Cothren, and Josh B. Bynum
Planting Date and Variety Effects on Cotton Stand Establishment and Lint Yield
E. Clawson, D. Boquet, J. Caylor, and C. Shivers
Remote Sensing for Precision Agriculture in the Texas High Plains
Stephan Maas, Jerry Brighbill, and Jon Hooton
Seeding Rate Effects on Yield Response and Last Effective Boll Populations in Cotton
S.W. Halfmann, J.T. Cothren, and J.B. Bynum
Skip-Row Cotton Performance across Multiple Yield Environments
Philip Jost, Don Shurley, Steve Brown, Richard McDaniel, Bob McNeill, James Clark, and Ronnie Blackley
Timing the Last Irrigation using COTMAN in a LEPA Irrigation System
Tommy Doederlein, Brant Baugh, Randy Boman, and Dana Porter
The Crop Weather Analyzer: A Program to Evaluate Real-Time and Historical Implications of Temperature and Rainfall on Crop Development
T.J. Gerik, E.M. Steglich, L.L. Francis, J.H. Greiner, R. Srinivasan, W.L. Harman, and J.W. Stuth
The Web-Based Crop-Weather Program for South Texas: Access to Weather Data and Crop Management Tools
C.J. Fernandez and T.N. Trolinger
The Web-Based Crop-Weather Program for South Texas: Monitoring Cotton Development
C.J. Fernandez and T.N. Trolinger
The Web-Based Crop-Weather Program for South Texas: Monitoring Crop Water use and Growth in Cotton
C.J. Fernandez and T.N. Trolinger
The Web-Based Crop-Weather Program for South Texas: Monitoring DD60 Accumulation after 5NAWF and Predicting Defoliation Date
C.J. Fernandez and T.N. Trolinger
Using Interseed Rye to Enhance Rainfall Capture in Dryland Cotton Production
John Sij, Jason Ott, David Bordovsky, Brian Olson, and Todd Baughman
Lint Yield and Fiber Quality as Influenced by Endothall in Combination with Low Rate Defoliants
E.W. Rounds, J.T. Cothren, J.B. Bynum, and H.R. Smith
Solid, Skip, and Wide Row Configurations in MS Cotton
S.P. Nichols, C.E. Snipes, B.A. Burgess, T.P. Wallace, and W.H. McCarty