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Issue 2 Table of Contents

Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of tillage practices and cover crops on soil erosion and cotton yields, but none have focused an economic analysis of these two practices together. Economic analysis indicated that yield increases associated with planting cover crops did not compensate for the added expense.


Economics and Marketing
Economic Analysis of Cotton Conservation Tillage Practices in the Mississippi Delta
James Hanks, and Steven W. Martin
Pages: 75-78

Numerous studies have evaluated the effects of tillage practices and cover crops on soil erosion and cotton yields, but none have focused an economic analysis of these two practices together. Economic analysis indicated that yield increases associated with planting cover crops did not compensate for the added expense.

 Issue Editors
Economics and Marketing
Economic Analysis of Cotton Conservation Tillage Practices in the Mississippi Delta
James Hanks, and Steven W. Martin
Pages: 75-78

Engineering and Ginning
Screening for Optimal Operating Parameters for the Powered Roll Gin Stand Using Taguchi’s Robust Design
Greg Holt, and Weldon Laird
Pages: 79-90

Plant Pathology and Nematology
Identification of Factors that Influence Screening for Bacterial Blight Resistance
T. A. Wheeler, U. S. Sagaram, G. L. Schuster, and J. R. Gannaway
Pages: 91-97

Textile Technology
The Effect of Bale Ageing on Cotton Fiber Chemistry, Processing Performance, and Yarn Quality
Gary R. Gamble
Pages: 98-103

Weed Science
Weed Response and Tolerance of Enhanced Glyphosate-Resistant Cotton to Glyphosate
Christopher L. Main, Michael A. Jones, and Edward C. Murdock
Pages: 104-109