A.D. Brashears, R. Baker, J. Price, and E. Foster


A commercially available material (Hydro-Tect) that is normally used to protect large round hay bales from rain was evaluated for its effectiveness in protecting cotton modules. Tests were also conducted to determine if the material had any effects on the ginning and spinning processes. Minimodules were made using 400 lbs of seed cotton that had been harvested with a cotton stripper equipped with a field cleaner. Modules with spray-on material were compared to modules covered with a conventional tarp and to uncovered modules stored indoors and outdoors. Modules with the spray-on material had moisture contents similar to those with no covers, but significantly higher than those covered with the tarp and those stored inside with no cover. This study indicated that the spray-on material provided limited protection for short storage periods (8-10 days), but little long term protection. There were also indications that the spray-on material would help prevent seed cotton loss from modules during high winds. The spray material had no effects on the ginning and spinning processes.

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Document last modified July 8, 2004