New Technology for Sensing and Controlling Moisture

S.E. Hughs, Stanley Anthony, Weldon Laird, Bob Curley, and Don Osias


One problem facing cotton producers and ginners is having the means to adequately monitor and control cotton moisture content. Much is known about the effects of moisture on cotton quality, but existing means of field and gin monitoring are either too slow, highly subject to operator error, or have other Problems. Another problem involves the high energy requirements of present conditioning and transport systems. Research is going on across the cotton belt on less expensive, more energy efficient methods to condition cotton and on faster, more reliable methods to monitor cotton moisture content both in the field and in the gin. This paper is a summary report on the status and results of that work.

Reprinted from 1986 Proceedings: Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conferences pp. 408 - 412
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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