For a few minutes please bear with me, share with me, a very real vision of a very real future as we turn onto the final approach for the 21st century, just seven short years from now. Pest management methods are swiftly changing. Management of all insect pests, including our 19th century boll weevil, is highly influenced by the technology developed from a minuscule, inanimate, mineral particle with no moving parts; the silicone chip. The computing power that we now have on our desktops is a fraction of what we are likely to have ten years from now. Look back twenty years. It took a mainframe computer installation costing into millions of dollars to number-crunch problems that our desktops and laptops take in their stride today. As even more computing power becomes available more aspects of traditional pest monitoring and management techniques will be enhanced by silicone chip technology. |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998