Herbicide program and cover cropping treatments in continuous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) have been continued at the same locations for 7 and 10 years, re spectively. The intensive herbicide program, involving trifluralin preplant, flumeturon preemergence, fluometuron plus MSMA directed postemergence and linuron layby, has caused a 6.4% cotton yield reduction, compared to no herbicide use while the minimal herbicide program with fluometuron preemergence and fluometuron plus MSMA has not affected cotton yield. In May, 1981, fluometuron carryover in soil after 5 years of application of a preemergence plus two postemergence directed applications ranged from 0.4 to 1.4 lb/A. Winter cover cropping with hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) and hairy vetch plus rye (Secale cereale L.) increased cotton yields an average of 100 lb lint/A compared to no cover cropping. cover crop stand establishment was severely limited by herbicide carryover at two of the three locations. preemergence fluometuron activity was not affected by the incorporation of a green manure crop prior to its use on cotton.