KARATE® was evaluated for boll weevil control in cotton in nine small plots, replicated trials from Alabama to Texas. Comparisons were made with BAYTHROID®, ASANA XL GUTHION®, and untreated checks. Seasonal means across all trials with direct comparisons showed KARATE® at 24% weevil damaged squares compared with 40% for the GUTHION® standard and 61% for the untreated checks (Table 1). In direct comparisons with other synthetic pyrethroids, KARATE® and BAYTHROID® were equally effective and superior to the untreated check (Table 2). In a trial conducted primarily as a Heliothis evaluation at Flowers, Mississippi, boll weevil damage was also evaluated. Synthetic pyrethroids were applied four times. All plots were oversprayed as needed (12) with GUTHION® and/or Methyl Parathion, representing a typical program for this area. KARATE® and BAYTHROID® gave equal seasonal boll weevil damage means that were slightly superior to ASANA XL® and the OP checks (no pyrethroids) (Table 3). KARATE® provided excellent boll weevil control in nine trials across the Mid-South. KARATE® was equal to BAYTHROID® and superior to other compounds tested. |
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN |
Document last modified Sunday, Dec 6 1998