New Cotton Harvester

Francis E. Schlueter


The new 7445 Cotton Stripper features an Integral cleaner which improves the harvested cotton turnout by up to 8 percent. The advantages are reduced hauling expense, less ginning costs, and Improved cotton grades. With up to six-row harvesting capabilities, the 7445 is the most productive and versatile cotton stripper on the market. Many innovative design features were Incorporated in the 7445 Including bypass or cleaning harvest modes, 60-inch wide cleaner with patented inlet distribution system, 12-function monitor for early detection of stoppage or basket fill condition and a large basket with combination compacting system using both augers and a vane compactor.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1987 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference pp. 137 - 138
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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