Dibeta: A Promising Material for Lygus Bug and Spider Mite Control in Cotton

P. Grau


DiBeta, the thuringiensin product being developed by Abbott Laboratories, continued to show promise for use in cotton pest management in our 1986 field trial program. The previously reported acaricidal properties of this material were confirmed in several tests against spider mites affecting cotton. Preliminary information from 1985 suggesting lygus bug control was also substantiated. DiBeta activity is primarily against the nymph of Lygus spp. Control of spider mite and lygus bug infestations is generally obtained with 0.08-0.16 kg AI/ha (0.07-0.14 lb AI/acre) and the length of effective control has been from three to six weeks. Residue analyses have not detected thuringiensin in cottonseed. A registration for use on cotton in 1987 has been requested from the EPA.

Reprinted from Proceedings of the 1987 Beltwide Cotton Production Conference pp. 136 - 137
©National Cotton Council, Memphis TN

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