Jan. 8-12, Atlanta, GA
J. McRae & Debbie A. Richter

Cotton Quality Measurements Conference
Table of Contents

Cotton Length Uniformity and Yarn Strength

J.D. Bargeron III

The Variations of Cotton Fiber Properties and Their Influence on Test Results

Xiaoliang Cui, Timothy Calamari, John Price, Kearny Robert and Michael D. Watson

Effects of Ginning Methods on Mechanical Properties of Cotton Fibers

Song Jun Doh, Moon W. Suh, Michael D. Watson and W.S. Anthony

Effects of Ginning and Carding Rates on the Tensile Properties of Cotton Fibers and Spun Yarns

Moon W. Suh, Song Jun Doh, Michael D. Watson and David McAlister

Planting Date Affects Motes, Neps and White Specks

Gayle H. Davidonis, Ann Johnson, David McAlister, Juan A. Landivar and Carlos J. Fernandez

Relationship of Plant Sugars and Environment to Stickiness in West Texas Cotton

S.S. Hague, R.L. Nichols, J.R. Gannaway and R.K. Boman

Is Cotton Dust Potential Correlated with Cotton Stickiness??

David T.W. Chun

Impact of Stickiness on Yarn Quality

Eric F. Hequet and Noureddine Abidi

Effect of Instrument Settings on H2sd Readings

N. Abidi and E.F. Hequet

Feasibility of Producing Reference Cottons to Calibrate Stickiness Measuring Instruments

Mourad Krifa, Richard Frydrych, Eric Gozé, Jean-Paul Gourlot and, Jean Massat

Cotton Color and Trash: 1990 HVI, 2001 HVI, and Spectrophotometric Measurements

Helen H. Epps and Jonn A. Foulk

High Speed Trash Measurements

M. Siddaiah, M.A. Lieberman and S.E. Hughs

Cotton Color Classification by Fuzzy Logic

B. Xu, D.S. Dale and Y. Huang and M.D. Watson

Harmonisation of HVI Strength Calibration

Ralf Baeumer and Thomas Schneider

Are Fiber Strength Measurements Affected by Cotton Fiber Length Distribution?

Jean-Paul Gourlot, Serge Lassus, Gérard Gawrysiak, Michèle Vialle, Philippe Francalanci and Chantale Brunissen

Improved Micronaire Calibration

Steve L. Grantham, James L. Knowlton and Lee Gibson

AFIS Measurements Variability

Eric F. Hequet and Pauline Williams and Mike Watson

Effect of Different Cotton Sample Preparation Methods on the Measurement of Fiber Characteristics by Two Generations of HVI

Gérard Gawrysiak, Bruno Bachelier, Jean-Paul Gourlot and Sandrine Duplan and Véronique Orssaud

Color Changes via Treatments

Jonn A. Foulk

Dimensional Stability Measurements of Cotton Fabrics

Norma Keyes, Eric F. Hequet and Hamed Sari-Sarraf

Discolored Cotton: Identification of the Causal Agents and the Factors that Govern its Severity

D. Shtienberg, C. Nave, H2. Vintal, G. Kritzman, E. Gat and A. Dinoor

Lubricants for Improved Ginning and Spinning of Cotton - A Fresh Approach to Fibre Length Preservation in Cotton Processing

Stuart G. Gordon

Image Analysis for Cotton Fibers - Part I: Longitudinal Measurement

Y. Huang and B. Xu

Update on Proposed Reference Method for Cotton Maturity - Part 1: Sample Preparation and Image Analysis

Devron Thibodeaux, Kanniah Rajasekaran, Eric Hequet and Bugao Xu

Update on Proposed Reference Method for Cotton Maturity Part II: Analysis of Results

Eric F. Hequet, Bob G. Wyatt and Devron Thibodeaux

Calibration of Upgraded Fineness and Maturity Testers. Part II. Expansion of Results

T.M. Von Hoven, J. Montalvo, S. Reed, D. Francois and Sherman Faught

A Review of Cotton Quality Fineness and Maturity Measurements by NIR HVI

J.G. Montalvo and T.M. Von Hoven

Tensile Behaviors of Single Cotton Fibers Unraveled from Worn Garments

Moon W. Suh, Song Jun Doh and Michael D. Watson

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Document last modified May 20, 2002