Preliminary Comparison of the Impact of Modern Gin Stands on Short Fiber Content and NEPS
Michael D. Buser |
1389 |
Effects of Multiple Lint Cleaning on the Value and Quality of Stripper Harvested Cotton
R. V. Baker and A. D. Brashears |
1391 |
A Look at Combing Fibers at Cotton Gins
Gino J. Mangialardi, Jr. and W. Stanley Anthony |
1393 |
Initial Evaluation of a Method to Improve Cleaning of Seed Cotton, Lint, and Lint Cleaner Waste
D. P. Whitelock and W. S. Anthony |
1398 |
Can Lint Cleaner Waste Be Reduced?
W. Stanley Anthony |
1403 |
HVI Short Fiber Content Measurement
Lee Gibson |
1406 |
Preliminary Report on 1998 HVI Color Grade Pilot Project
Mary Atienza |
1407 |
Mill Use of RD +B HVI Data
Ted Goolesby |
1409 |
Establishing HVI Calibration Standards
James L. Knowlton |
1410 |
Image Processing for Stripper Harvested Cotton Trash Content Measurement a Progress Report
M.G. Pelletier, G.L. Barker and R.V. Baker |
1412 |
Quality of Lint Obtained in Cleaning Cottonseed to Facilitate Seed Coating Process
J. W. Laird and T. C. Wedegaertner |
1415 |
Wet-Bottomed Modules - Moisture Content Measurement and Dryer Control
Richard K. Byler and W. Stanley Anthony |
1419 |
Relative Velocity Effects on Cotton Moisture Transfer Rates
G. L. Barker, J. W. Laird and M. G. Pelletier |
1423 |
Modifications to Improve Bur Extractor Performance
A. D. Brashears |
1427 |
Drying and Precleaning - Better Trash Removal and Less Fiber Damage with Therdyn Processing System
Ronnie Valerius, Keith Scott, Homer Sanchez, Kyle Williams and Glenn Ellison |
1429 |
Update on an Automated In-Field Cotton Lint Moisture Measurement System
Richard K. Byler and W. Stanley Anthony |
1432 |
Evaluation of Modified 1D-3D Cyclones
G.A. Holt, R.V. Baker and S.E. Hughs |
1434 |
Cyclone Efficiency Sensitivity to Entrance Velocity
P. A. Funk, S. E. Hughs and R. V. Baker |
1438 |
Dispersion Modeling of Particulate from Point and Multiple Point Sources
G. W. Zwicke, B. W. Shaw, C. B. Parnell, Jr., S.E. Hughs, P.A. Funk and B. K. Fritz |
1441 |
Dispersion Modeling of Particulate Matter from Ground-Level Area Sources
M.T. Meister, B.K. Fritz, B.W. Shaw and C.B. Parnell |
1446 |
Performance Test Results from the Cascade Impactor, the Federal Reference Method PM(2.5) Sampler, and the Improve Sampler
Usha-Maria Buch, Calvin. B. Parnell, Jr., Bryan. W. Shaw and Brent W. Auvermann |
1452 |
Ginning Performance of Felt as Covering for Roller Gin Rolls
S.E. Hughs and M. N. Gillum |
1461 |
Changing the Speed of the Rotary Knife on a Roller Gin Stand
M. N. Gillum and C. B. Armijo |
1464 |
Operational and Costs Characteristics of the Mississippi Cotton Ginning Industry
Shawn Boyd and Darren Hudson |
1464 |
Update on the Extrusion of Cottonseed and Cotton Gin Waste Mixtures
Michael D. Buser |
1468 |
Economics of Cotton Gin Waste as a Roughage Ingredient in Cattle Feedlot Rations on the Texas High Plains
Mark Castleberry and Emmett Elam |
1472 |
Reduced Compression Force for 6 and 8-Tie Platens
W. Stanley Anthony |
1478 |
A Three-Year Study of UNR Cotton
E. D. Vories, R. E. Glover, K. J. Bryant and T. D. Valco |
1480 |
UNR Farm Trials in Georgia 1998
Michael J. Bader, S. Wesley Smith, Rick Reed, Richard McDaniel, Lannie L. Lanier and Chuck Ellis |
1482 |
Results of 1998 Ginning Studies of Ultra Narrow Cotton
W. Stanley Anthony, William D. Mayfield and Thomas D. Valco |
1484 |