Uptake and Recovery of N-15 Labeled Fertilizer as a Function of Time of Application
J.C. Silvertooth, J.C. Navarro, E.R. Norton and C.A. Sanchez |
1263 |
Foliar Fertilization of Nitrogen on Cotton in South Carolina
Robert Lippert, John Durant and Ken Legé |
1263 |
Foliar Fertilization of Cotton in Southeast Arkansas
J.S. McConnell and R.C. Kirst, Jr. |
1263 |
Cotton Response to the Source and Timing of Nitrogen Fertilization on a Sandy Coastal Plain Soil
W.H. Bryce, G.L. Mullins and C.D. Monks |
1263 |
Evaluating Placement of a Programmed Release Nitrogen and a Root Stimulator for Cotton Production in Tennessee and Arkansas
D.D. Howard, D.M. Oosterhuis, R.H. Roan and A.J. Steger |
1266 |
Evaluating Rates of Programmed Release Nitrogen Fertilizer for Cotton Production in Tennessee and Arkansas
R.H. Roan, D.D. Howard, D.M. Oosterhuis and A.J. Steger |
1266 |
Influence of Nitrogen and Boron Interaction on Cotton Production in Virginia and South Carolina
A. O. Abaye, C. W. Adcock and Bob Lippert |
1266 |
Irrigation Scheduling and Fertility Requirements for North Alabama Cotton
S.R. Huber, G.L. Mullins, C.H. Burmester and L.M. Curtis |
1267 |
The Proper Nitrogen Rate for Early and Late Sown Cotton in Egypt
E.A. Makram and S.A. Ali |
1267 |
Use of a Chlorophyll Meter to Determine Cover Crop, Rotation and N Rate Effect on Crop N Status
D. J. Boquet, E. M. Holman, R. E. A. Brown, W. J. Thomas and A. B. Coco |
1269 |
Nitrogen and Water Response of Conventional Till and Conservation-Till Cotton in the Texas High Plains
K. F. Bronson, J. W. Keeling, A.B. Onken, D.M. Nesmith, J.L. Mabry and J.D. Booker |
1271 |
Tillage and N Rate Influence on RR/Bt Cotton on Coastal Plain Soils
D.L. Wright, F.M. Rhoads, P.J. Wiatrak and S. Reed |
1271 |
Cotton Response to Mutliple Applications of Nutrient Mixtures
J. S. Reiter, D. R. Krieg and C. J. Green |
1272 |
Effect of Dairy Manure on N Partitioning in Acala 1517
R. P. Flynn |
1273 |
The Use of Concentrated Molasses Solubles (CMS) as a Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilizer in Cotton Production
David Dunn, Gene Stevens and Bobby Phipps |
1275 |
Cotton Response to In-Furrow Application of AmiSorb, Asset, and PGR-IV
W.C. Robertson, A. Vangilder, B. Griffin and S. Rodery |
1276 |
Boll Retention as Influenced by In-Furrow, Preplant Asset RTU (6-20-5) and Foliar Applications of Empower
B. D. Bassett |
1277 |
Planting Dates and Populations for UNR Cotton in Central Alabama
D.P. Delaney, C.D. Monks, D.W. Reeves, J.S. Bannon and R.M. Durbin |
1278 |
Nitrogen Management in Ultra Narrow Row Cotton
Mark L. McFarland, Robert G. Lemon, Frank M. Hons and Thomas Gerik |
1279 |
Soil Water Extraction Dynamics of Dryland Cotton in Various Row Configurations
P.J. Goyne and J.M. Hare |
1280 |
Relationship of Field Scale Nitrogen Variability to Soil Properties and Remotely Sensed Characteristics
H. J. Buscaglia, J. J. Varco, J. M. Thompson and M. R. Seal |
1282 |
Formulating Decision Support Factors for Variable Rate Nitrogen Fertilization
J. M. Thompson, J. J. Varco and M. R. Seal |
1283 |
Effect of Variable Rate Lime on Cotton Yields
Gene Stevens and Chris Moylan |
1285 |
Spatial Analysis of Agronomic Properties in Two Production Cotton Fields in West Texas
J. Ping and C. J. Green |
1286 |
Economic Analysis of Conservation Tillage on Producer Fields
J. R. Smart, J. M. Bradford, T. Lockamy and E. Perez |
1291 |
Soil Organic Properties as Affected by Long Term Tillage Practices
S. Vacek and J.E. Matocha |
1292 |
Temporal Variability in Soil Test Analysis in Conventional and No-Till Cotton
B. Griffin, M. Daniels and B. Robertson |
1293 |
Effects of Poultry Litter on Cotton Lint Yield
R. K. Malik and K. C. Reddy |
1293 |
Analysis of Runoff Water from Croplands in the South Texas Coastal Plains
B.R. Eddleman, C. Livingston and W.B. Prince |
1295 |
Studies on Cotton-Wheat Intercrop Patterns
H.M.H. Mohamed, A.A. Darwish and W.M.O. El-Shazly |
1298 |
Potassium Nutrition of Cotton on Long Term Experiments
C.C. Mitchell and G.L. Mullins |
1303 |
Effect of Foliar Applied Potassium on Cotton in the San Joaquin Valley of California
Bill L. Weir |
1307 |
Phosphorus and Potassium Nutrition of Cotton Produced Using Two Tillage Systems
D.D. Howard and R.H. Roane |
1310 |
Correlation of No-Till Cotton Yields with Extractable K Based on Soil Sampling Position
D.D. Howard, H.J. Savoy, Jr. and C.S. Snyder |
1310 |
Potassium Status in a Limestone Valley Soil Receiving Surface Applications of Potassium Fertilizer
G.L. Mullins, J. Schwab and C.H. Burmester |
1310 |
Evaluation of Starter Fertilizer and Amisorb(R) for Mid-South Cotton Production
M. W. Ebelhar, J. O. Ware and J. L. Oldham |
1314 |
Nitrogen Source and Rate Effects on Leaf Chlorophyll and Cotton Yields
J.E. Matocha and S.G. Vacek |
1319 |
Influence of Soil Spatial Variability on Cotton Fiber Quality
R.M. Johnson, J.M. Bradow, P.J. Bauer and E.J. Sadler |
1319 |
No-Till, Ridge-Till, and Conventional Tillage Cotton Effects on Soil Organic Matter and pH
J R. Smart and J. M. Bradford |
1320 |
Potassium Fertility Studies from New Mexico Acala 1517
R. P. Flynn and C.E. Barnes |
1322 |