A New Method For Predicting Ambient Particle Concentrations Downwind From Cotton Gins
Linda M. Williams, Michael A. Demny, Calvin B. Parnell, Jr. and Bryan W. Shaw |
1513 |
Design and Analysis of the Barrel Cyclone
A. W. Tullis, B.W. Shaw, C. B. Parnell, P. P. Buharivala, M. A. Demny and S. S. Flannigan |
1520 |
Engineering Analysis and Economic Impacts of Air Pollution Abatement Strategies for Cotton Gins
Anantharman Ramaiyer, Calvin B. Parnell, Jr., Bryan Shaw, Shawn Flannigan and Bradley Fritz |
1525 |
Minimum Cost Compliance Strategies For Cotton Gins Across The U.S.
S. S. Flannigan, Dr. C. B. Parnell, Dr. B. W. Shaw and A. Ramaiyer |
1539 |
Evaluation of New Cyclone Designs
R.V. Baker and S.E. Hughs |
1546 |
Comprehensive Characterization of Cotton Gin Particulate
S. E. Hughs and P. J. Wakelyn |
1549 |
Mass Flow Measurement of Pneumatically Conveyed Cotton
J. A. Thomasson, S.J. Thomson, R.K. Byler, D. A. Pennington, H. C. Pringle and E. P. Columbus |
1558 |
Modeling Seed Cotton Moisture From Air Temperature Drop And Mass Flows
M. N. Gillum and C. B. Armijo |
1563 |
Manual Color and Leaf vs. HVI Values Economic Advantage to The Grower of HVI Color
Robert W. Greene |
1567 |
Measurement Concepts in a Gin Process Control System – 1996
Richard K. Byler and W. Stanley Anthony |
1572 |
Estimation of Bale Moisture Content With a MALCAM MMC-4000
W. Stanley Anthony and Richard K. Byler |
1574 |
Influence of Ginning on Spinning Performance and Yarn Quality
Dr. Clarence D. Rogers |
1576 |
Preliminary Comparison of Cleaning Efficiencies of 24-D and 16-D Lint Cleaners
W. Stanley Anthony and Gino J. Mangialardi, Jr. |
1578 |
Preliminary Investigation of the Cleaning of Gin Motes
W. Stanley Anthony |
1583 |
The Cotton Wizard: A Quantitative Decision Tool For Cotton Variety Selection
Jason Beddow, Emmett Elam and Mario Lopez |
1585 |
Moisture Transfer Rates for Gin Run Cotton Seed
G. L. Barker and J. W. Laird |
1590 |
The Effect of Aeration Rate on Cooling of Cottonseed in The Mid-South
M. H. Willcutt and Suminto D. To |
1593 |
Alternate Storage Method for Whole Cottonseed
Michael J. Bader, Joe West, Lane Ely, Steve L. Brown, Tom C. Wedegaertner and Thomas D. Valco |
1596 |
Coating Cottonseed for Improved Handling Characteristics
Weldon Laird, Tom C. Wedegaertner and Thomas D. Valco |
1599 |
Roasted Cottonseed for Dairy Cows — Research Review
T.C. Wedegaertner and W.F. Lalor |
1602 |
Laboratory Simulation of Cotton Modules
D. L. Hendrix, T. J. Henneberry, T. Steele, C. C. Chu and W. Coates |
1606 |
Storage of Seed Cotton After Four Harvest Aid Treatments
A.D. Brashears, J.W. Keeling and T.D. Valco |
1609 |
The Effect of Level of Defoliation on Storability and Quality of Seed Cotton
M.H.Willcutt, Charles E. Snipes, T. D. Valco, Jon Ruscoe and Jay Phelps |
1613 |
Farmer Composting of Cotton Gin Trash
V. Ayers |
1615 |
Seed Cotton Fires in Stripper Harvested Cotton
A.D. Brashears |
1616 |
Harvesting and Ginning of Cotton in The World
M. Rafiq Chaudhry |
1617 |
Increasing Picker Efficiency by using a Boll Saver
A. Khalilian, M. J. Sullivan and J.D. Mueller |
1619 |
Optimising The Yield Grade Trade-Off (Growers And Ginners Teaming Up)
Brian Solomon |
1621 |