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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Issue 3 Table of Contents

<strong>Plant Physiology Symposium:</strong> Carbon dynamics in cotton as influenced by genotype, management, or environment.


Molecular Biology and Physiology
Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
John L. Snider
Pages: 195-195
DOI: (
Plant Physiology Symposium: Carbon dynamics in cotton as influenced by genotype, management, or environment.

 Issue Editors
Agronomy and Soils
In-Season Cotton Drought-Stress Quantification: Previous Approaches and Future Directions
Tyson B. Raper, Derrick M. Oosterhuis, and Edward M. Barnes
Pages: 179-194
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
John L. Snider
Pages: 195-195
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
The Role of Temperature on the Diurnal Sucrose Source to Sink Balance
Toby R. FitzSimons, and Derrick M. Oosterhuis
Pages: 196-206
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
Ozone Impacts on Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
David A. Grantz
Pages: 207-219
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
Effects of Chilling Temperatures on Photosynthesis
A. Scott Holaday, James R. Mahan, and Paxton Payton
Pages: 220-231
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
Carbon Allocation in Cotton Grown in CO2 Enriched Environments
Jack Mauney
Pages: 232-236
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
Cotton Photosynthetic Regulation through Nutrient and Water Availability
W.T. Pettigrew
Pages: 237-245
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Agronomy and Physiology Symposium - Carbon Dynamics in Cotton
The Use of Obsolete and Modern Cultivars to Examine Advances in Yield and Dry Matter Partitioning
Randy Wells
Pages: 246-252
DOI: (

Molecular Biology and Physiology
Heat-tolerance in Cotton Is Correlated with Induced Overexpression of Heat-Shock Factors, Heat-Shock Proteins, and General Stress Response Genes
Jin Zhang, Vibha Srivastava, James McD. Stewart, Jamie Underwood
Pages: 253-262
DOI: (

Weed Science
Emergence Date Influences Growth and Fecundity of Palmer Amaranth in Cotton
Jason K. Norsworthy, Brandon W. Schrage, Tom L. Barber, and Lauren M. Schwartz
Pages: 263-270
DOI: (

Weed Science
Effect of Shading, Cultivar, and Application Timing on Cotton Tolerance to Glufosinate
Jason K. Norsworthy, Brandon W. Schrage, Tom L. Barber, and Lauren M. Schwartz
Pages: 271-279
DOI: (