The National Cotton Ginners and the member associations have developed a series of instructional videos to better train and to help keep the gin workplace free of injuries. There has been a recent review of all safety videos for content and relevance. This review has resulted in a number of updates which include entirely new Volumes I &II, and updates to volumes III and IV. Volumes VI and VII are new volumes that are now available. Safety videos can also be viewed online. Please note that in order to view the online videos they require a password. To obtain a password, contact your gin association or the National Cotton Ginners Association at 901-274-9030 .
View Safety Lesson Plans (English and Spanish versions), Sample Job Descriptions and Tailgate Topics in our Technical Publications area.Content of Safety Videos
Volume I - You’ re the Key to Gin Safety (general gin safety video) 5:49
Volume II - Safety at the Module Feeder 4:12, Gin Stand 2:49, Lint Cleaner 4:13, Bale Press/Strapping 10:03
Volume III - OSHA Training Series - Bloodborne Pathogens 7:02, Lockout Tagout 6:28, Confined Spaces 4:38, and Hazard Communications 6:01
Volume IV - Gin Safety - Forklifts 7:48, Ginyards 9:58, Fall Protection 8:48, and Electricity 12:46
Volume V - The Module Truck 10:26
Treatment of Cotton Gin Injuries - First-Aid of Hand Injuries and Treatment of the Mangled Hand
Volume VI - Round Module Safety - Unwrapping, Handling and Storage 17:27
Volume VII - Bale Press and Gin Warehouse Safety 15:13
Volume VIII - Cottonseed Storage Safety 4:58
To order your copies of the videos send an email to with the phrase "Videos and Publications:" in the subject line. In the body of the email please include:
Your name
Your company name
Your mailing address
Include both the name and number of videos and/or publications requested.
Once we receive that information we will mail you the materials along with an invoice to cover the costs. Please make checks payable to the National Cotton Ginners Association and include the phrase "Videos and Publications" on the memo line. The cost is $10.00 for each volume of the videos and $1.25 for each copy of the "You're the key to Gin Safety" brochure. Also available is a thumbdrive that includes volumes I-VIII in both English and Spanish for $40.
Checks should be mailed to:
National Cotton Ginners Association
C/O Jana Jackins
PO Box 2995
Cordova, TN 38088