
Gin School and Ginner Certification


2024 Ginners School Dates, Times and Course Offerings

Southwestern Ginners School CE Agenda for 2024

Please note that due to limited class size and availability, there will be no onsite registration.  

Register Here for the 2024 Schools

Please note, there will not be a 2024 school in Stoneville, MS. The Midsouth-Southeast Ginners School will be held in Tifton, GA. The Stoneville Ginners School will return in 2025. 

Explanation - Certified Ginner CE Requirements

2024 School Dates:

Southwest Ginners School 
South Plains Ginning Laboratory
Lubbock, Texas
Western Ginners School 
Southwestern Cotton Ginning Research Laboratory
Mesilla Park, New Mexico
Midsouth-Southeast Ginners School 
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Tifton, Georgia
April 1-3, 2024 (M-W) May 7-9, 2024 (T-Th) June 4-6, 2024 (T-Th)
Area Map of
Lubbock, Texas
Area Map of
Mesilla Park, New Mexico

Area Map of Tifton, Georgia

Hotel Information Hotel Information Hotel Information


Course Descriptions

Each level of ginners school coursework is built on the previous level of instruction, with Level I as the foundation. Therefore, the school’s coordinators strongly recommend that beginning students, regardless of gin experience, start with Level I.  Levels I, II and III are all three-day courses, therefore students enroll for one level per school. 

Level I

Introduction to Cotton Ginning and Ginning Demonstration
Basic Gin Safety
Basic Hydraulics
Air Utilization
Electricity in the Gin
Maintenance and Adjustment for Seed Cotton Cleaners, Gin Stands and Lint Cleaners
Maintenance of Auxiliary Components
Classing Cotton
Moisture Measurement
Review of the Cotton Industry
Waste Collection and Disposal

Level II

Purpose and Operating Principles of Individual Gin Machines
Efficient Operation, Adjustment, and Maintenance of Gin Equipment
Pneumatics and Waste Collection
Electrical Systems
Hydraulic Systems
Gin Safety
Management Tips
Roller Ginning (at the Western School only)

Level III

Review of Functions of a Ginning System
Electrical Systems
Air Systems in the Gin
Drying and Moisture Restoration Systems
Matching Machinery Capacities in the System
Seed Cotton Unloading Systems and
Management of Seed Cotton Handling Systems
Bale Presses and Hydraulic Systems
Safety Programs and Labor Regulations
Cottonseed Handling Systems
Roller Ginning (at the Western School only)

The 2024 Continuing Education schedule is being developed and may be different for each of the three schools.  Please note that the information included in Continuing Education session may not be suitable for all certified ginners, and therefore, may want to consider Level III as an alternative.  

Certified ginner program:

Please note, to maintain your certification, you must complete twelve hours of continuing education (CE) credits over a three-year period.  For example, if you received your certification in 2021, then, to remain in good standing in the program, you will need to complete your twelve CE hours in 2024.  

·  Continuing education course work (CE) will be offered each year in conjunction with the annual ginner's sponsored NCGA course work will receive one credit hour.

·  CE Cotton Beltwide Conference participation provides one hour credit for each hour of participation.

·  Re-taking Ginners credit.

·  Participation in local association schools, workshops, seminars, and ginners tradeshows may be eligible for CE credit. An agenda and participation form must be submitted to National Cotton Ginners Association. Upon review, any CE credit hour (Ginners) will be assigned to the participant. 

You can contact ( or 901-274-9030) if you have questions.



Levels I, II, III and

Continuing Education 

3 day attendance (Levels I, II and III)

CE is a 2-day course, held the first two days of the school

Cost for all levels is $250

Certification Exam (Level III)

$50 per student (held on day three)

Registration fees can be paid online using credit card or by check.

Our Association’s refund policy: Cancellations must be made one week in advance of school to receive refund.

Additional Information

If there are questions about any aspect of the school, call Harrison Ashley or Jana Jackins (901) 274-9030.

All Schools
Harrison Ashley
National Cotton Ginners Association
(901) 274-9030
  Southwest School 
Greg Holt
South Plains Ginning Laboratory
(806) 746-5353
Midsouth-Southeast School 
Harrison Ashley
National Cotton Ginners Association
(901) 274-9030
Western School 
Derek Whitelock
Southwestern Cotton Gin Research Laboratory  
(575) 526-6381




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