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LOGO: Journal of Cotton Science


Evaluating Cotton Utilization in Nonwoven Textiles

Authors: Kishor Prasad Luitel, Darren Hudson, and Dean Ethridge
Pages: 298-306
Economics and Marketing
DOI: (

Fabrics made from weaving and knitting yarns constitute the largest part of textiles manufactured around the world, but various nonwoven technologies constitute the fastest growing sector of textiles. This study evaluates the potential for cotton fiber in nonwoven textiles and analyzes the issues of cotton use in nonwovens, with a focus on potential target markets. Data were collected through an online survey conducted among the global companies producing nonwoven products. Cotton is not being used by most nonwoven producing firms. Polypropylene and rayon are the primary substitute fibers. Reasons for using the substitute fibers include price, price volatility, and processing costs of cotton. The willingness to use more cotton is evident for products requiring absorbency and especially in products for personal hygiene. The factors constraining cotton consumption in nonwovens are primarily economic in nature rather than technological.